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@Trying yes but not as much as there should be! Our snowpack is maybe half of what it should be right now, so we’re preparing for a bad fire season.

The bandana was a nod to our departed Airman for Memorial Day. We try to do something active to honor things he loved for each major relevant holiday or anniversary :heart: I also really do love Top Gun! Did you know Val Kilmer/Iceman was a Julliard grad?!


@jim26 ok 1) your dog is adorable, and 2) boy running corgis are much funnier than a running malinois! With the mal you see it coming towards you and just feel like you’re about to get full-body tackled with teeth at about 25-30mph (yes, that is the top speed for the 50ish pound fur missile I hang out with :rofl:)… she is actually very careful about braking or swerving around people, but she learned that from the one time she didn’t. She came barreling in at full speed and hit me in the knees. I full-ass got blown off my feet and cartwheeled over the top of her. Only minor road rash though and she hasn’t hit anyone since…


We had this gigantic Great Pyranees named Major. He was close to 180 pounds. His favorite game was to charge us at high speed. Don’t move, just stay still. At the last bit he’d swerve and fall dead next to you.

Then he jump up and want some praise for his entertaining stunt.

Even knowing what he was doing, well the heart rate rises.

It was more fun when we had possible buyers for our Nubian dairy goats. “Don’t be scared, just let the comedian have his fun.”


Sounds fun!


Awe, that is so special. I’m glad Mara and you can share your love together in honor of your best friend. :two_hearts:

No, I didn’t know Val Kilmer went to Julliard! That is a great school. I’m impressed with whoever gets in and graduates!!!


That’s hilarious! I guess he knew you were a “push over”, pun intended!