Wow getting delivered by helicopter, and then having to be winched down to the deck has to be uber exciting. Only thing more exciting for me was a summer where we got to helocast rangers into lakes.
Well TBH the helicopter pic is from shortly after we had lunch in Portland and isn’t me… was just trying to capture a collage of ship pilots in their most badass persona and to me that qualified
Very cool none the less. I would venture few here have the opportunity to do that in the course of their day to day job
I’m still almost in disbelief and have to slap myself back into reality sometimes myself… in my world… with my career path…there’s no moment on this planet that compares to climbing up a ladder like that and hearing them say “pilot on board” I literally almost get emotional and have to get my ■■■■ together enroute to the bridge
Sam you’re a God in your own world! A Titan amongst men.
Lol I kinda like that description…. It’s just an impossible thing to describe. It’s the fruit that finally bore out of a job that treated me like ■■■■ for decades… finally I’m almost super hero like…. And what occupies my mind way too much of time, my blood sugar…. Isn’t even a topic in this world… it can’t be… what I’m doing is too important…
We definitely need to grab lunch again. Would love to hear the updated stories.
The keep adding more painted bike lanes in the city I ride, but they are always full of trash. They need to run the street cleaners, first the regular lane and then the bike lanes.
That’s the problem with simply painting bike lanes without making any other adjustments to the road. It’s cheap, a good start, but not a great long-term solution.
Plus there’s the education aspect on both sides. If both sides understand and obey the laws in place, bike lanes work. When one side flaunts the laws and then wants legal protections…
Even with education, painted bike lanes are not going to work everywhere. A lot of behavior in traffic depends on the road design. For example, you can educate people to obey speed limit signs, but when roads are wide, driving slowly is totally counterintuitive, so a relatively large number of drivers are going to break the speed limit if set too low.
Along roads with a speed limit higher than about 30 mph, they will never work. You need to physically separate drivers and cyclists in those situations. Drivers won’t feel at ease driving next to slow, vulnerable cyclists whose unexpected maneuvers they’ll never have enough time to react to. Cyclists will neither feel nor be safe separated only by a painted line.
In addition, you need a clear and consistent road design throughout a city. People are going to improvise when it’s unclear where they should cycle. The place where you’re supposed to cycle should not constantly change. I’ve been in places where bike lanes suddenly ended on busy roads and continuing among the motorized traffic or on the sidewalk both didn’t feel like great (legal) options. Or where cycling on the sidewalk was generally not allowed, but sometimes mandatory.
The thing of course is that a good quality cycling network isn’t built overnight.
A youtube video rather than photo, but I found quite entertaining, given that I attended 2 weddings this past summer, both with some wild tactics. Video is NOT my family!!
One of my favorite songs. It was well done.
Me too!
Found this interesting tidbit:
What do the lyrics of Hallelujah mean? (Cohen’s version)
“ Hallelujah ”: One of the Greatest Songs Explained Posted on November 8, 2018 Leonard Cohen said the song represented absolute surrender in a situation you cannot fix or dominate, that sometimes it means saying, ‘I don’t f#cking know what’s going on, but it can still be beautiful.’
Kinda like diabetes !
I believe he was also on Britain’s got talent after this video blew up.
Not to photobomb the thread but this one is too good to not share
@mikep and I at Guinness brewery in Baltimore the other day
Looking good!
Looking great Eric, where you happy with your time? You certainly look great with those blue shoes and the yellow electricity running everywhere.