@Mary55 Thanks for sharing the info you received! I’m intrigued by the size mentioned, seems smaller than the one demonstrated by one of the developers (I think it was on a YouTube video link in a previous topic here on FUD, also on Sequel’s website), more the size of an one of my Dash pods. The Luer link capability sounds like it may allow use of other infusion sets, vice only those of Sequel, if so that’s a good thing as many folks here on FUD and elsewhere have spoken about how one set is so much better than another regarding occlusions and just “working” better! It will be interesting to see the actual battery info come to light; four sounds excessive at first, but for charging/use purposes it be better depending on how long they really last (it seems to vary a lot over time). Seems to be a hybrid of sort regarding how its obtained, part DME and part pharmacy, seems to make logical sense in some regards, but lord knows what the FDA (in its reduced workforce state/abilities) will determine. The biggest unknown seems to be the price of it all and insurance coverage aspects, always a long pole in the tent for people. Again, thanks for willingness to share!
I was also thinking that the Luer lock would be a good thing but, after looking for the available sites online, I’m not sure. I’m having trouble identifying a vendor that sells Luer lock sites in the US.
I know that Unomedical used to make them, but it looks like they’re now advertising only “Medtronic” and “Tandem” sites except an extremely limited selection of “BetaBionic” branded sets (one plastic, one steel, only 6mm cannula and 23inch tubing).
Re the part DME part pharmacy - they say it will be all pharmacy, actually. I’m also curious to see how that will work with insurance!
@Mary55 Sorry if I misread the info and confused the situation. Being all pharmacy or all DME make a lot more sense to me, otherwise it gives insurances two ways to say “No!” I don’t currently use anything that requires a Luer Lock, thought made since to use a “standard”, but seems questionable if the “standard” isn’t used here in the US.
I discussed it with them too - except I have the exact opposite issue: my Tslim has never given me an occlusion alarm, yet clearly I get occlusions (kinked canula or insulin leaks out of the site on removal, with high unexplainable glucose). So I, for one, will be grateful for higher sensitivity!