The differences between teens and adults in diabetes

We all write about YDMV, but we also try to draw lessons from what we see. I think it makes sense because there must be patterns that apply to groups or to many, and at the same time the patterns don’t apply to everyone.

For me, it is frustrating sometimes to get advice from adults, because my patterns are really different in some ways from adults (and even other teens), and adults often disregard that and try to tell me that my patterns are different from what they are. For instance, last year many people wrote to say that my basal did not need to change from day to day and that I was wrong to assume it does. But it does. I have data to show how it changes, over many months.

I don’t mean I am not thankful at all! With the help of people on the forum I have become much better at managing my BG: @Eric,@Chris, @docslotnick, @Aaron, @cardamom, @Jen, @TiaG, @MM2 (I am sorry that I am missing a lot of people, it would take a page or more!) and many other people have helped me A LOT. I don’t mean that people should stop helping me, on the contrary! I just mean that it would be better if teens could share their patterns, because probably their patterns have more in common than what all adults patterns have in common with teen patterns.

It is hard not to know what to do when you see difficult things to treat, like all the peaks we get that many adults don’t get. And, even if we don’t have the right solution, it is pretty nice to know we are not the only ones dealing with the same problem.

So, this year, I will post threads about what I see in my BG and how I try to solve my problems, and I encourage other teens to do the same. If we are all actively sharing our information, it helps all of us. I know it won’t be relevant to many adults, and also my solutions may not be the best: it is embarrassing. But, I would really like it if other people my age shared what problems they have and how they deal with them: so I should do the same. And I hope that a lot of experienced PWDs will help with solutions.


Data is marvelous thing!!!


@Kaelan really hope you find those other teenagers. I agree there are so many patterns that are specific to the age and the insights of people with kids and those of grownups are really very different.


I am looking forward to seeing your patterns and insights.

I totally agree with you that children, teens, adults, and even subgroups within adults all have different patterns.


@Kaelan, I think it is great that you are willing to share what you see and how you try to solve it.

One suggestion: as a parent of T1, I have a hard time seeing what it means to be a T1 from the inside. I can only see it from the outside, however hard I try. I think many parents must feel the same way. So, for us, it would be really helpful to read some of your emotions about what happens to you as you go about your day. I know it can’t be easy to do that! But I think it would be really helpful to a lot of parents :slight_smile:

@TiaG, @ClaudnDaye, @Chris, @Bradford, do you feel the same way?


Would love to read about the emotions, especially from someone I am not intimately involved with.