Study: eating carbs last reduces spike

I came across this article and wanted to share with the group (is this thread the most appropriate one to post the article below?):

My take away is the following from the article:
“Modifying the rate of nutrient absorption is a therapeutic principle of particular relevance to diabetes. A plausible explanation for the attenuated glycemic response observed with the CL meal pattern is delayed gastric emptying and consequently slower rates of carbohydrate absorption, a mechanism that would not be entirely mediated by GLP-1. The finding of lower insulin iAUC in the context of increased GLP-1 excursions contrasts with the effect of protein preloads that augment both GLP-1 and insulin secretion6 7 12 and suggests a role for vegetable fiber in moderating this response.”

I try to pre bolus as best as the circumstances would allow; eat my protein portion of the meal first and save the carby stuff for last, at about 1.5 hour or 2 hours after the injection of insulin. The tough ones to predict in terms of effects on BG are the funky desserts that are both sugar laden and fat laden. If it’s pure sugar, it’s actually easier to “predict” the effects on BG.


What an interesting article!

The incremental areas under the curve for glucose (iAUC0–180) and incremental glucose peaks were 53% and 54% lower, respectively, when carbohydrate was consumed last compared with carbohydrate consumed first

It is particularly interesting for us, because we typically ride the insulin curve low before we eat, so we always eat carbs first. So this technique, if it works for us, would save us in waiting time, and reduce spiking – a double whammy!

I can’t wait to test this.

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Interesting! If I’m eating a meal with something significantly carb-y, I usually eat it last (if I can - something like beans and rice or a sandwich/taco, obviously can’t separate the carbs from the fat/protein portions), but I thought I was just being silly to think that would actually make a difference. :blush:


Yes! most of the time, I’m too impatient to wait for the full pre bolus time which could be 30-45 minutes. Eating the protein and saving the fast acting carbs until the end has helped tremendously.


So is this similar to eating a stick of butter before a night of hard drinking?

(Not that I would have EVER done that…)


I do that too. I’m ALWAYS too impatient to pre-bolus, but I am a slow eater. Eating the potatoes or rice or fruit or cake last at least helps some. I think having the meat in my stomach firs lowers the meal glycemic index just by having the fat/protein slow the carb absorption rate.


I think so. Previously, I used to check at 2 hours and have decent numbers. Then there would be the slow rise due to protein or fat slowing down the absorption, especially when I was on a lower carb diet.

That’s funny. I suppose it’s possibly a good way to ameliorate any negative effects on BG; not that I would recommend this :slight_smile:

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