Strictly About Pizza

I had a bad pizza experience last night…

Ate some pre-made frozen pizza last night. Per the labels it was only about 50g worth but we all know labels lie… so I took 6u of novolog to cover it right as I started eating. I always, always have a big spike after the initial bolus wears off with pizza… so I was sitting around waiting for it. 2 hours after eating my bg was 75 and all was going so great that I fell asleep in my chair. I woke up at 3am with a bg of 250… I clobbered it with 8u of afrezza and sat around til 4 am by which time it had dropped to about 130, so I figured good enough and went back to bed. Woke up again at 5 am at 150 and beat it down with another 4 of afrezza and went right back to sleep… then woke up at 7 am at about 75