Resistant low - puzzling?

Damn. I was just going to go over to Smarties instead of Jelly Babies!!

I think that Smarties may take longer to absorb because they contain chocolate which is fat-based and takes a while for your body to process.

I have experienced many lows which don’t seem to want to rise.
My "order of business is:
4x Jelly Babies
150ml of FF Coca-Cola (small mixer tins are great and easy to carry around)
Then if it REALLY doesn’t want to rise and I am STILL going low, I rip the lid off of a packet of Sherbet DipDabs.
That stuff is like Cocaine for Diabetics.
It is 100% guaranteed to make you BG rise.

Only problem then is getting it back down!

Oops, I was replying to an earlier post.
I just saw that your Smarties are not our Smarties. Pity… I like Smarties


You’re thinking the chocolaty English Smarties, which aren’t the sour/sweet American Smarties. Americans call those M&Ms, though they’re quite different. Here in Canada, Smarties are also English Smarties, but what Americans call Smarties we call Sweet Tarts, Rockets, and sometimes Love Hearts. I think you can get Love Hearts in the UK, and definitely Parma Violets, which are in the same family. The Refreshers I grew up with in England are close as well.


How did you know that you wanted to split the 6 unit bolus in those amounts and with a half hour delay?

At the time I was following Bernstein and not bolusing more than 5IU at a time. The way I did this was to enter a sufficient extend into the Omnipod PDM to get below 5, not with any great deal of accuracy. Sometimes I would just extend the whole thing for half an hour.

I lost the habit of doing that but think I am going to go back to that approach because I just had major site problems with an Omnipod on a site I normally avoid; I was having to bolus and basal 3x my normal dose to stand any chance of staying below 300.


OMG. I have had this exact same experience so many times that I can no longer count them. I get stubborn lows, and I take what seems like it should definitely be enough glucose tablets or juice, and I wait patiently while shaking and sweating for about 45 minutes to 1 full hour, and only to find that not only did my BGs not go up, but that they came down! I have done everything from Suspending my pump for between a half hour to a full hour, to over-drinking apple juice. and then, hours later, my BG will spike, as if all of that glucose I took to treat the low has compounded all at once and shot me to the moon.

In fact, this happened to me yesterday. I went down to 50, took 2 Gtabs, which should have easily brought me up to 90 within 45 minutes (as per usual for me), and then when I re-tested (finger stick) my BG had only climbed to 52. Well this happened a bunch of times, and I really wanted to bolus for a planned fancy dinner out with my husband, so I just thought F-it, and I drank a 1/2 cup of apple juice and waited. well, within abut 15 minutes, I spiked from 52 to 154 ! At this point I didn’t care. I told my husband “get ready, we’re leaving the house. I’m ready to eat!” So we walked the mere 10 minutes it took to get to the restaurant. When I sat down an did another finger stick, my BGs had come down to 116 (I hadn’t done anything to make this happen. No correction bolus. Nothing. Nada.) C’est la vie, I thought, and I bolused for a wonderful meal.

but all this to say, you are NOT alone! This disease has a mind all of its own. :crazy_face: :heart: :pray: :pie: