Spent yesterday and today re-mulching 2/3rd of the yard. I need more mulch to finish the rest of the house, but thought I’d share the after pics as I love how it turned out! Re-edged the area and applied new mulch to as much as I could before I ran out. Still have the side and back of the house to do…hoping to finish it all up next weekend. Liam and his brothers helped and I’m proud of them for helping save my back more pain.
Wow, really nice job! Is that sweet pea mulch?? I have the same but your’s looks a lot nicer!! Mine is already getting weeds as it was done in early spring.
I’m not sure honestly. I really expected to get wood chips because the sample red dyed chips/mulch I got were much more like wood chips. I bought it at a local farmers mulch place that has all kinds of chips/mulch colors, stones, etc. I wasn’t happy at first with how finely ground up the mulch was but once it was on the ground, I really liked the look of it.
Even with the mulch down I expect weeds still. I use Green Gobbler (natural, environment friendly, vinager based weed killer) on the weeds when they start poking through and it’s been good.
Your mulch looks great. I helped a friend, who called in a marker, spread 16 yards of mulch (not a typo) on his 1 acre yard before he put it on the market a few weeks ago. While he is not in the past tense for our friendship, the power balance has shifted to me as far as markers go.
That looks great! I like the dark contrast to the green! My wife and I have used cedar mulch natural color (we think it lasts longer and is supposed to be a natural bug repellent…questionable). I like you’re “cut” edge; we put in metal edging, buried about 1/4 of its height, shortly after moving in. A lot of it now doesn’t have a bottom half…rusted out after 20 years in ground contact. We always think we’ve bought too much, only having to go back and buy a bit more…perhaps the yard is expanding! You do likewise?
Likewise. I will have to go back this Saturday and buy more…about 1/2 what was purchased the first time. Being that we just moved here last August, this was the first year for the re-mulching so I’ll have a solid idea of how much it’ll take moving forward.