Omnipod cannula affecting pre bolus?

So I was reading a discussion in this group randomly awhile ago. I believe it was Eric? that offered advice to pinch up the skin(which I always have done) and push down on the cannula while inserting a pod. I have never heard of the last part before.

Well I started to try this out and have been amazed! I think its affecting my pre bolus times. I’ve had to cut my prebolus for morning oats from 30 to 20 minutes. Other times of day have sped up about 5 minutes as well.

Could this be just a coincidence and something else is going on? I of course can’t say for sure but it started happening as soon as I tried the new insertion technique. I had a couple of wait for the food to kick in lows before I realized what was happening :flushed:


I have always done it that way to try and get the cannula inserted properly. And I also think it helps with absorption because when you release the pod, it comes back out a little bit and that gives it some room for the insulin.

But of course the only way to know for sure if it is helping is to try it many times.

If it generally works better when you do it, but works less effectively when you don’t, eventually you can consider that it is making a difference.


Thanks for the tip and info! I’m going to do this technique from now on. Hopefully the results continue.


What do you mean push down on the cannula when there is no cannula inserted yet? You mean the part of the pod on the end where it inserts at?


I pinch the skin and push down on the side with the cannula and hold it down while it’s inserting.


Don’t push down too hard – not so much that the pod is pressing into the flesh. You basically just want to hold the pod in place so when the cannula inserts, there’s no recoil. I generally just hold a finger over the cannula end.