Omnipod 5 and dexcom newbie help

The rep at Omnipod said that the Omnipod controller doesn’t replace the receiver - it doesn’t give you glucose level alerts and you can’t start/stop a sensor with it. Otherwise that would be the best solution for me; to be able to control both devices with just one PDA.

No I don’t doubt that they’d lie at all. I didn’t realize the PDAs could also track your location, but even if they are, I feel like it would be harder for someone besides Omnipod or Dexcom to take advantage of that. Whereas if I have to keep my location turned on on my phone at all times, then anything on my phone could potentially access it. And even though these days I don’t allow anyone to use my phone unattended, nor do I give anyone the pin, I’ve had past experience where I just don’t want to keep the location on. I may give it at some point, but for now it seems that I’ll just be going with manual mode initially on the Omnipod. I don’t actually have an iphone; my phone isn’t currently compatible with either dexcom or Omnipod, so even if I didn’t have other concerns, I’d probably start with manual so I could take my time trying to decide what phone to get next.

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