I’m not sure if anyone has already posted about Novo Nordisk’s current research on NNC2215 which is sort of like an “glucose sensitive insulin”. It sounds promising as an improvement to the current insulins. The injected insulin attempts to prevent hypos while assisting in preventing hypers. The nature article came out in Oct. Here is a youtube by Dr Ben Miles who worked on the research prior to it being bought by Novo N. They say that they’ve tested on various animals with good results. I’m not sure what stage the process is at now.
@Trying Thanks for keeping us all up-to-date! Seems a promising development! Short of a cure, but a promising aspect!
Here’s the open-access link to the study itself.
That’s so interesting, thanks for sharing!
Thank you, very cool!!
This would be so helpful! Hopefully it will be available in the next decade.
Dec 19 during my visit with my endo we discussed this smart insulin. We have shared various developments in the treatment of diabetes mellitus of all 3 main types. He asked if I knew about this newly developed insulin and brought up a paper on his computer. His paper did not mention Novo Nordisk, but I said they had something to do with it, referring this thread. I noticed that most or all of the scientists for the paper had Scandinavian names.
He used his hands to show how this works, sort of like a clam opening up and closing at a molecular level - open the insulin is active, closed it is not.
I remarked that many with T1DM have Alpha cell disfunction and this new insulin might be a real boon to prevent hypos. He agreed with me. I love having an endo that I can discuss this kind of stuff.
Why do I as a T2DM on an insulin pump even cares about things like this. I was born with a terminal disease. It won’t kill me, but I have it for life - it is malignant curiosity. As a child I yearned to be a doctor or scientist, but this curiosity got the best of me, because I had difficulty in narrowing my focus preferring the broad view.
So cat-like!
I take that as a complement. I like cats and cats like me.
I suppose some might think I have ADHD for being so flighty, but when I get grabbed by something I can read, research and think about it almost obsessively.
I cannot find it, but I read a Science Fiction novel years ago in which everyone was extensively tested for their future work in society. The 2 highest positions were those who could grasp the vast overview and those who could focus extremely myopically. I think I am more of the first type for when it is interfering with the over view, I move on.