I don’t typically talk about my goal to gain weight bc nearly everyone says, “You can have mine!” or “I wish I had THAT problem!” and then I get annoyed bc it’s not culturally acceptable to say, “Well, I see you eating three family sized bags of pb m&m’s every week and you might want to reconsider that…” …anyway…it’s nearly impossible to have a legit conversation about difficulty gaining weight in this country…
Now that that’s out of the way…
Since going off of birth control, and since going on the pump, my weight’s been running 15 pounds less than it was while I was on birth control and on injections. I’m tall and trim. I’d really like to have those 15 pounds back for two mains reasons: (1) improved insulin pump site options and (2) so that I can stop hearing how skinny I am from overweight relatives.
The biggest problem for me has been losing the insulin sensitivity stabilizing effects of being on birth control. You all have heard me talk about that a LOT on here. Getting down to brass tacks, the crazy swings of insulin sensitivity lead to a lot of missed meals because of stuck highs that never budge…or I’m busy living my life and can’t afford to run the risk of a sudden tank while in a store or at an activity with my kids…so I take less bolus and eat less for less blood sugar variability.
Add to that that I took on a new job this winter working from home, but working crazy hours for 8 weeks straight. I was prioritizing my sleep…but it was happening at atypical hours for me…which made me feel like garbage even though I was technically getting enough sleep. That led to me having no energy to do even house chores between working, and therefore my insulin wasn’t doing a whole lot.
By the end of my assignment, my weight was the lowest it’s been in FOREVER. So that became my new project.
I’m starting week 3 of my weight gain project. I write down my calories everyday and have tried different protein bars, different flavored almonds and peanuts, different anything with heavy calories in it.
So far I’ve gained FIVE pounds. I’m SUPER excited about that. And my blood sugar has been shockingly super good during these weeks. Which has led me to some anecdotal conclusions for what works best for my own physiology and might not apply to anyone else…but in case it does…
When I eat every three hours, I need less insulin for each eating session. I’m eating the same exact lunch I’ve eaten for the last two years. But eating it three hours after breakfast seems to dampen my blood sugar spike, even with running the same extra basal as before. I think what was happening before this project was that my body was so ready for food that it would mainline everything into my bloodstream ASAP. I’m eating 400-500 calories about every three hours that I’m awake and I need significantly less meal insulin to accomplish the same bg curve per meal. That’s the most interesting conclusion for me.
Also, my basal profile is based on steady bg in a fasting state. I’m running an extra +20% 24/7 right now to accommodate being in a “feeding state”. I don’t need to drop my basal overnight…which I thought I would need to…but with eating this much, I have to keep it high overnight. And as hormones fluctuate for me, I add to that +20% to cover the hormone resistance.
Hopefully this is helpful to someone…or at the very least, mildly interesting.