I have not done this in a while, but I wanted to get a new Loop version going. This is mostly for when I am traveling so I can have a safety net when I am alone.
I don’t like the normal setup where it looks at your IOB and cuts insulin all the time. I don’t ever enter carbs, so if I bolus for a large meal and there are no carbs entered, it freaks out. It thinks I took a bunch of insulin and didn’t eat, so it immediately cuts my basal. And it would leave the basal off for hours, based on insulin duration.
I have tried to make a workaround. I made a change so that I can set my insulin duration for as low as 15 minutes. By doing this, I am hoping Loop will only adjust basal for 15 minutes after I bolus, and after that, once it thinks all the insulin is gone, it will just go back to my normal basal.
Previously, the minimum insulin duration you could set was 2 hours.
Anyway, hopefully that will work better for me.
A few questions to start though.
It looks like I can’t setup more than one basal profile. Any ideas if that is something I could add?
Another question.
Not sure if I can set a temp basal that does not involve the Riley link or closed loop. Like I know I can use a new BG target as a TB, but I would like to be able to set an zero TB for a certain amount of time, without needing to be in closed loop or have the Riley link.
Just to confirm - does this custom basal thing require the Riley link?
Also, you can’t set it below 35%, so I guess I need to find that in the code and rebuild it.