Leaking Omnipods

All the time. I don’t want to give the tunneling a chance to start. Plus, if I do it all the time, it just becomes habit. I don’t have to think about what day I’m on.

I have the similar problems (had them with minimed sites as well) I do exactly what you do (have not tried skin tac yet). It’s frustrating - I e been told by omnipod reps and the people who work at omnipod that they have never heard of anyone having this problem. I’m glad I came to this site! It got so bad I was doing just basal with the pods and injecting to bolus. I was pregnant with my son and my carb to insulin ration was 1:1. So I was taking A LOT of insulin for meals. I still notice I have leaking but not as often. I do change pod every two days and that seems to help a little. But still have leakage. If it doesn’t look too bad, I usually try to ride it out. But the big leaks are a pain.

Didn’t think I’d get an email notification from this forum after this long hahah. All of the reps and doctors I talked to also hadn’t heard of this issue before. I for a long time did extended boluses / actual injections for meals while on the omnipod but my warranty ran out not too long ago.

Also interesting you have different sized leaks, I only ever got big leaks.

I swapped to the Tslim recently. They have an option for a steel infusion set instead of plastic cannula is why I swapped to this, knowing it might help. And it did, mostly. I still leak here and there, but it’s infrequent and its without extending boluses or using pens. I was too arrogant to ever change pods every 2 days though so no change there.

An option to consider!