Ideal BG range?

I wonder if chaos theory would not be the right mathematical approach :slight_smile:

Haha that’s not too far out of the realm of possibility.

Probably the most useful thing to do is to compare data and analyze on a specific time scale only if settings have been constant. So for instance, if you make a basal change, only analyze data from that point onwards. 90 days is useless mainly because it encompasses a lot of changes for us. But my guess is 2 weeks is about right not necessarily because Samson’s body changes on that scale, but because that may be about how long it is between setting tweaks on his pump.


Ha!!! All the endos are going to be saying this soon!


Well at least the endo knows about the forums, chat rooms. Mine has no clue they exist.

I told my endo about the Sugar surfing website and book. Since it is by a T1D endo, thought it would be worthy of his time. Next visit, asked what he thought, and he said he never checked into it.

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Just let him know that every time you finish your Pac-Man game, you plug your landline into your modem, dial into your AOL account, and go to the “chat rooms”!



It always amazes me that so many endos haven’t read the book, or sometimes don’t even understand the technique.