I started Omnipod 5 a week ago, I am not happy!

I’m curious - can the Omnipod 5 go through a TSA full - body scan, unlike the Dexcom G6 transmitter? I always just pop my Dexcom out and run it through X-ray, then replace it after.

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I’m not sure about Omnipod but you don’t need to remove your Dexcom transmitter for the scanners.

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Both the omnipod and the dexcom can go through the scanner.


I assume you mean the milimetre wave scanners, the answer is yes but the Omnipod is visible, as is the Dexcom transmitter, so you get tested for explosives. I’ve only been through one once in the US when United managed to lose my TSApre authorization. It’s happened in other countries that use them too.

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So you guys have gone through the TSA Full Body Scan at the airport with the Dexcom G6 with no problems? I specifically asked Dexcom about that, since they also say not to wear it during CAT Scans or MRIs, and they told me no.

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Many times, have had zero problems.


I’ve been through the airport scanner many times. It’s fine there.

MRI’s are different. You can’t wear it for that.


My fun last night. Same experience with support - wait 45 minutes or 2 days. I would love to get a technical manual from Omnipod - as a human an an engineer it’s ridiculous these error codes aren’t yet decipherable.

0 problems after starting in mid October until now.


True. That said, the internet is some help. For instance, Fault event codes · openaps/openomni Wiki · GitHub

Brilliant, thanks so much. 50 means COP error, Computer Operating Properly… guess it was not… RTC issue for 006, so something really went wrong with the pods internal clock and humpty pumpty could not be put back together again.

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