Hoard photos

When you use [old] insulin, are you able to visually inspect it and if so do you and if you do have you ever seen “floaters” within it?

Nothing can get in there. An unopened and unused vial is still sterile. The only question is if the insulin still works.

Is all of that insulin catalogued somehow so you know which ones are expired/which to use first? That is one impressive stash.

I have all the older stuff in one box, as much as will fit. And I generally pull from the older box. I don’t have it in any kind of very organized order. :slightly_smiling_face:

Same here I just look at the expiration dates… when I get my main refrigerator replaced Im really going to double down on the stockpiling hoping to order lots of Lantus and novolog from Canada. If anyone hasn’t read One Second After, I assure you doing so will make you a diabetes hoarder. Having a ton of insulin not only puts you in a much better situation if the world ever falls apart it also puts you in a tremendous position amongst other people who need the same stuff in a SHTF situation… if you have insulin and there’s other people with diabetes around you, there’s nothing you can’t ask for in return (within moral limitations of course)

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In “One Second After” there were no moral limitations after the event.

If more people had been prepared there could have been

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Yes @Sam, and if pigs could fly…

You just need a larger gauge shotgun and you get porkwings for dinner instead of pigs dropping **** on your roof.