High peaks and inexplicable lows

We’ve found that low-carb does spike the kids, but just later and longer. In general low-carb wasn’t great for testing basal for us.

**ETA: Actually, we find the total number of calories eaten correlates well with how long a food affects our son’s BG. So maybe something that is both low carb and very low calorie, like sugar-free jello or crystal lite, etc. could work. Or like celery sticks. **

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@ErinElizabeth @ClaudnDaye, this looks tremendously frustrating, and exhausting. I had 3 days looking like this this week. I am blaming hormones, but still not sure. The yanking back and forth was so terribly exhausting. I finally sat down on the couch and had a good cry. So sorry to see you’re dealing with this with Liam. Hoping that it evens out soon and that you can bask in your incredible diabetes prowess, at least until the next unpredictable hiccup.