Help finding a vaccine in the U.S

It’s very difficult to get a scheduled appointment here in NY. Supposedly, T1s are now eligible but every time I look into the various sites providing the vaccinations, no appointments are available, or worse, some sites don’t even allow searching!

EDIT: Just got a Mar 23 appt for Moderna!


Awesome! Congrats!

I have a few suggestions to make on this.

  • In the U.S., from what I have seen and heard, for many (most?) states there are no requirements for state residence. So if you are close to a state border, it seems that driving to a different state and getting it is possible. I know people that have done that.

  • Not sure if there are requirements in other states, but in my state, you do NOT have to show a driver’s license and there were not even any questions on state residence.

  • Also in my state, the city areas seem to be much harder to get an appointment than rural areas So if you go to the Vaccine Finder site, you can enter a zipcode for a rural area and see it that turns up better availability.

  • Since seniors have been likely getting vaccinated already for several months, it is also possible that areas with a high population of seniors would have less demand. Some of them have been partying since December. (My mom got it in January, along with all of her friends, so they have all been hanging out totally maskless since their 2nd shot. :partying_face:) So another thing to look at would be to enter a zipcode for areas that have a high senior population, and see if there is more availability that way.


I used Vaccine Finder but it is not the best designed site. One has to keep entering the zip for each new search. I fortunately got one near my home at Stop and Shop.


This is the only thing I’ve heard of being enforced and people’s appts being canceled (I’m in a spot near state borders). So may depend on the state, but I would ask locally before assuming.

That said, what seems true is that most places are using self-attestations for conditions. A public health official where I am specifically said when asked by people from an EDS FB group I’m part of that one of the reasons is because they can’t possibly include every rare condition that might make someone higher risk, and if your doctor says you are, you are, whether your condition is explicitly on that list or not. So I would encourage people to ask around re how that’s being affirmed locally and if self-attestation, probably any T1 should feel fine doing that regardless of the list…


Hmm, I was going to ask this very question, @cardamom !

What sort of documents should I bring to my scheduled vaccination appointment to prove I’m a T1. NY says Proof is required, but they don’t say what is considered proof! I was thinking of printing off my mychart page that shows I’m a T1.


I don’t know about NY, but I know in a number of other states, you don’t need any proof of anything. I don’t get the impression from reading articles you need much if any in NY either, though I suppose brining something like that couldn’t hurt.

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If you have enough time to get it, just call your endo and ask for a written statement from the endo saying you are T1.

It’s interesting - my state does not require any proof of conditions, and also does not even require residency. So take a drive! :partying_face:


@Eric gives good advice to get something from your Endo, if possible. Alternately, possibly take a copy of an insulin script if time doesn’t allow the other. The problem I have with this type requirement: in the great majority of cases, the “proof” never gets verified by a phone call and it’s not like there’s a database for all doctors that those giving the shots can access. It’s like needing to get a document notarized, there’s no huge database with all the notaries listed; when I recently got something notarized in WV I found they don’t even require logging the documents notarized! So what good is it other than a warm fuzzy that some one can claim they did “due diligence.” It provides a complication that keeps the honest people honest, for those less “scrupulous” not so much. All that said, keep getting those vac’s!!! We can all benefit!


@Eric @TomH I will try to get something from my endo. Good idea to copy the insulin script, too.


I think part of why most places don’t require any proof at the sites is that ultimately, vaccines are not a resource only intended for vulnerable pops, but for everyone, so if some people lie to cut the line, in the end it’s frustrating and unfair, but not a huge problem from the government’s perspective since the aim is to get everyone vaccinated within the next few months anyway.


Yeah I am getting mine in a state where I work not where I live… since I qualified based on my job it did say to bring evidence of qualification such as a work ID etc, but I forgot it and nobody asked.

In wa state you go through their phase finder app- all honor system— and then you print out or screen shot the end screen that says you’re qualified but it wouldn’t say why you are or anything else