Have you ever ? Job related question

Hi All!
New to posting, but I’ve read topics here before… been T1 for a few decades…
I guess i’ll start by asking the topic line.

Have you taken a job or quit your job due to your condition?
I’ve lived my whole life in a rural area dominated by agriculture and don’t consider moving an option due to my family roots in the area. The nearest large city is a good hour plus away.
I am frustrated with the lack of jobs available that I consider suitable for a diabetic. Even though I have a Bachelor’s Degree, most all job listings in the area are for Non Air-conditioned factory work or other outdoor based jobs, one of which I’m currently working. But I’m about ready to give up. I am Absolutely Miserable working in the heat and humidity all day, every day. my pump and CGM constantly work themselves off due to sweat and the heat makes my BG impossible to maintain at a consistent level, and the bosses don’t care one hoot. Have Most diabetics taken “Easier” or office (read as A/C Provided) jobs with the primary reasoning to make your working hours more bearable with diabetes? Getting too old for this…

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Regardless of the diabetes part of the equation, I am sure a lot of non-D people have felt that same way about jobs as they have gotten older.


Depending on your degree and experience, many office/IT jobs can be done remotely. I worked remotely for 20+ years, before COVID made it popular. But may require occasional travel to employer.

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fwiw, seems like 2 major questions are:

  1. are you willing to relocate from where you currently live? and
    2, building on @mm2: do you have fast and reliable internet service?
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@TiredbutDetermined Sorry to hear about your issues. If your concerns are about the heat/humidity affective devices, are you or have tried over patches as a solution? If you’re concerns are more being tired of the high heat/humidity and wanting a change, what skill sets do your have that may be marketable for remote work? What’s your degree in and is that a field you want to continue in? What remote job searches have you looked at that would allow you stay put? I’m sure you’ll get lots of questions and advice from the folks here…