Diabetes a disability?

I have not logged on here in a while as i have been super been super busy and overloaded at work. I am the Lead Bartender at a Five Star Resort, I love what I do and where I do it. However it is starting to take its toll on my 52 year old body. I am currently in a ‘load offsetting boot’ and received a amniotic graft to help heal an ulcer on the bottom of my foot due to being on my feet so much.

My question is what protections do I have if i want to step down from my leadership role that require 45 to 60 hours a week and just bartend for 35 hours a week in order to keep my benefits? Would a note from my podiatrist do the trick? Since diabetes is considered disability does the afford me extra protections under the Americans with Disabilities Act?


Most places I’ve worked, staying in a leadership roles isn’t a requirement. As long their isn’t current performance issues, another position is available and you accept the salary and other job adjustments.

Might just be a conversation with your boss.


I would think that a note from your podiatrist would be helpful, and yes you do have some protections. But you might want to do an initial consult with the EEOC to understand what rights this confers to you specifically. If you notify your employer that you are require accommodations in order to work, then you are putting yourself in a protected group, but getting the job restructuring may or may not be easy depending on how interested they are in keeping you.

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Thank you, was just making sure i knew what I was getting into/asking for.

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I am a badass!!! they will keep me, My concern is tha tthey usually try and transfer a leader who steps down to another outlet and I want to stay where I am.


So sorry to hear you’re suffering from exhaustion on top of this already (at times) tiring disease. So happy to read that you’re taking such bold steps to preserve your health and state of mind, though! It’s not always easy to speak up when we need to make changes to fit our diabetic lifestyles - it’s so nice to see someone fearlessly putting themselves first.

Elated this conversation ended in your favor. Hoping they don’t transfer you and you get to stay at your current location. :crossed_fingers:


Are the benefits different for the bartender position compared to Lead role?

The ADA Act is more about accommodations, such as allowed to have breaks for bg testing, treating lows, etc.

What benefits do you think they would change (besides pay?).

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