Yeah - it was a long thread back and forth on this. The end consensus was that if you can’t trust the Mods to make typo corrections than you have a far far bigger problem on your forum. But apparently that feature (Mod minor edit of existing poll) has not yet been implemented.
Definitely. I would never have even considered this as an option without reading of your experiences. But it is still a bridge to cross. We are not highly adventurous and tend to take small steps after significant consideration.
We should ask Eric to do some experiments and write up a tutorial
Wanted to share this. The idea that you need to go the hospital is so they can make sure you eat, to make sure you replenish your liver glycogen.
The last time I got glucagon, I was so hungry afterward. I knew I did not need any food for my BG because it was already going up, but my body kept telling me to eat.
It was almost like an instinct that my body was telling me to replace the liver glycogen. It was not a normal hunger, but kind of like a primeval drive to get food. Hard to describe.
Come on over with your glucose gel and a pack of cigarettes, buy me a few drinks, and we will get started.
I learned something new today. I have never heard of this treatment method. I was going to google this to see if it was true but not sure I want to see the results of that search.
I was always under the impression that a dextrose IV injection was the go to solution for unconscious folks with low blood sugars.
I wasn’t sure if Sam was making it up, but I am not taking any chances. Changing my Dexcom low alert from 55 to 90 right now…
Not Kidding at all, that’s what they’re trained to do. Not sure why they don’t just carry glucagon… been told by actual EMTs that that was what is in their training too… but don’t know if that means that they didn’t have glucagon or just that they covered the topic
Do they just use the glucose gel that one can buy off the self or is there a special rectal formula they use?
The sample of glucose gel I have is not in appropriate packaging for rectal insertion.
One of my irrational fears in life is not being able to keep anything down giving a big dose of insulin. This is why I keep glucagon on hand.
Just regular tubes. Insta-glucose brand. Same stuff they’re trained to use orally in a conscious person. Where there’s a will there’s a way. I’ve googled too and the internet would have me think it’s not the most preferred or effective method so it might be like seriously old-school outdated training, I don’t know
The Insta-glucose tube is definitely more sphincter-friendly that the Dex 4 gel packaging. In all seriousness this is actually an interesting alternative to glucagon (… that I do not want to try but would be open to in an extreme extreme extreme emergency when it is the only option.)
And the new leader in the most bizarre thread hijack category is…Aaron!
In my defence @Sam started it
I’ll expect a full report. Might be safer to practice on a friend in a non hypo emergency to get the hang of it before it’s a life and death situation.
I’ve had a few run ins in the past with emt and cops following heavy drinking sessions that turns into a hypo while out on the town
Each time ( I think from memory there have been 4 in Nyc and 1 in Paris which was frightening ) at night and also the day at work ( twice in London) I never got glucagon
The emt told me once that they won’t give glucagon for two reasons - if alcohol is involved or suspected which it often is it doesn’t work as the liver is busy on the alcohol and often as in my case the person is out of it but not unconscious as will get violent when pressed for a shot or IV and they won’t approach you then. In my case it’s always been ‘let’s all have a drink of orange juice’ to fool me into drinking a glass and then the sit around and wait - in Paris as they couldn’t communicate with me they tried to force me to eat some dextrose gel and I ended up in a fight with 6 emt - they had to tie me up and take me to hospital restrained - not my finest moment
Thankfully it’s been 6 yrs since the last one now
When I was new to Humalog and carb counting, I made a huge mistake in calculation. I was alone at work, testing level was 32mg/dl, and I had bolused for lunch, so I decided to use the Glucagon kit. Worked fine, but it made me feel kind of crummy afterwards.
I’m new to this but no. I’'ve thought about asking my doc for a prescription since I’ve paid my out of pocket max for the year but decided its not worth the effort. I live alone and even though my dog ( a border collie named Watson) is very smart, he couldn’t administer the shot. Between exercise and alcohol and I’m probably depleted a lot so it probably wouldn’t have a great effect anyway. I’m pretty hypo-unaware but I recently got a dexcom and don’t seem to have hypo’s overnight anyway.
I have a dog, and trained him to alert me when dexcom low 55 alarms. The receiver has a TRY IT mode, so I would sound the alert, teach him to paw my leg, then he gets a treat.
Occasionally he paws at my leg when the other alerts sound, but he just wants a treat. Smart dog !!!
This must have been spooky, particularly alone at work
I’d have just used glucose tabs. Day 1 my CDE drilled into my brain that “you don’t need to know how to use a glucagon kit bc it should never be done if you’re conscious and not seizing, but the people in your household should know…”. Clearly people have other perspectives on the subject but that’s the one that was tattooed on my brain on day 1