FUD emergency stash and natural catastrophy network?

@EricH and I are on the coast in the middle of California and are happy to share. We’ve got Lantus, Humalog, Toujeo, and a little Triseba, but soon will mostly have fresh Humalog I think (OmniPod coming soon to an arm near me!). We are also not as worried about expiration dates as others. Happy to help if the need arises.


Walmart doesn’t honor the $25 R and NPH deal in Alaska. I’m not sure if cvs does. (The nearest one is several hundred miles away anyway). I may need to stock up next time I’m in America or have one of you buy out a Walmart and mail it to me and I’ll reimburse you…

Also another thought… my doc prescribes more insulin than I need so I always have a stash growing-- but if yours doesn’t this would be another option and a good way to disaster prep would be to train for R and NPH for a month or whatever during good times while continuing to fill and stockpile your rx insulin.

Otherwise the best technique to grow a stockpile is to ensure that you are using a mail order pharmacy with 90 day supplies and your 90 day rx puts you barely into an extra box (at minimum) (on second thought it really doesn’t matter if it’s a mail order pharmacy, I’ve just not had option of 90 day supplies at retail pharmacies) E.g.— there’s 1500 units in a box of 5 u100 insulin pens. 1500/90 ~ 17. So if you ask your doc to make sure he writes it for, say 20u/ day even if you actually only need 15… your rx will be renewable every 90 days for a full 3,000 units (or two boxes) because they can’t sell you a partial box and you need more than one. Refill every 90 days and watch your cache grow.

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