FDA approves Fiasp

Hi @allison - I have been using Fiasp since April 2017 in my Omnipod. I am in Canada. My endo prescribed it off label for pump use. He said it was not approved for pump use yet becasue they had not completed some studies of using Fiasp in a pump. I think the issue was there is no guidance for doctors on the pump settings given - as in how the pump settings should change with Fiasp.

Here is my experience summary that may appear elsewhere on the internet.

Changing from Humalog to Fiasp in an Omnipod:
I used to prebolus with Humalog between 45 minutes and 30 minutes for meals. With Fiasp usually 15 minutes is enough. For slow carbs I just give the bolus with the carbs. For me this improves my quality of life, because I can come home and just eat dinner without having to wait a long time for the Humalog to kick in.

I also see less of a sharp rise in BG after carbs. More of the insulin is active up front so it stops the spike.

I sometimes see after an hour my BGs start to rise. I usually either just hit it with another bolus if I am lazy, or I will set-up an extended bolus with my meal to flatline when I am feeling organized.

I have heard negative comments from T1 people I have met in my community (one commenter was a nurse with T1). Generally the complaints fall into three groups:

  1. It stings when I bolus
  2. The bolus gets used up really quickly and then I go high after 1 hour
  3. It is not really faster than the rapid acting analog that I used to take.

I do not have any of these problems. I am just posting as some people (like the nurse I was talking about) think that just because it does not work for them means it does not work for anyone. I think with Fiasp you are either in the love it camp or the hate it camp, but it gets to me when people in the hate it camp deny that the people in the love it camp have a valid positive experience :slight_smile: