Experiment: basal vs bolus corrections

6 posts were split to a new topic: Do basal needs depend upon how much food you eat?



I believe carrying a touch extra basal is like greasing the bottom of your sled when it comes to getting effectiveness out of the rest of your regular meal and correction boluses.

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I love your example, it totally matches my feelings too.

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I tend to agree. As you’ll notice, the experiment I described above focuses just on that, since we waited until there was no significant IOB by waiting out the DIA for the large previous correction.

This is also my intuitive thought. But I could well be wrong :slight_smile: Either way, if this experiment can be duplicated by others, it would prove that, in one process, insulin is used much more efficiently.

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We do see a difference between the two. Large pump boluses tend to be less effective, and slower as well, in particular (a) when they follow other boluses, and (b) in the later days of the pump site cycle.

So, as a result, we have a rule that any injection 4.5U or above is given by pen. We even split larger injections (such as 8U for instance) into 2 pen injections in different sites.

But the difference is efficiency does not compare to the one we appear to see between basal and bolus use of insulin, though. However, I should be clear on the fact that the experiment above only shows the efficiency of basal insulin vs bolus when used with no IOB. With IOB, it could be a wholly different kettle of fish.