Examples of what to.pack for.school lunch

Definitely second (third?) the suggestion for pre-bolusing. My daughter would visit the nurse 10 minutes or so before the start of lunch. That should be in her 504. It lets you take a step back from worrying so much about her carb intake.

It’s been a while, but I remember another thing that seemed to help was making sure I included a nice amount of fat too. So I would add olives stuffed with cream cheese, ants on a log (cream cheese again, or peanut butter celery), cheese sticks… All that seemed to help flatten out the spikes.

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Oh, and if she was going through an especially difficult phase I cut back on the carbs by doing a lot of whole wheat tortilla wraps (meat/cheese) instead of sandwiches.

(For bread, whole grain/sprouted grain’s going to be a better option than white if you’re stuck with little or no pre-bolus time.)

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Thanks so much TTnyc. All great info.

Yes. I agree of giving the insulin more time. I really think that would help and probally could be more flexible with our lunch options too. Thank you.