Do too many hypers decrease life of G5 sensors?

I only ask because I was told by a Medtronic tech that Enlites’ life is reduced if one has too many highs. He explained that the enzyme is consumed more when bg’s remain high for extended periods. Has anyone ever heard of such a thing for either Enlites, or for any Dexcom sensor? It sounds a bit weird to me, and I asked a Dexcom tech about that and he said “no”. Any ideas either way? Ever hear a company rep or doctor mention such a thing?

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I have never heard of it from any Dexcom staff, or from any other Dexcom user, and I have not experienced it either.

But it could be true. I don’t think so though.

I haven’t heard this directly, but have suspected it. I can attest that I do see a correlation there.


Dave, this would depend very heavily on the environment that the enzyme is kept in during operation. i.e. there are matrixes that could be used that can prevent the enzyme from denaturing and therefore becoming inactive. While it may be true for one sensor, it would be very sensor dependent behavior.

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Yeah. lol. Unfortunately we have tested that one. Certainly not intentionally. I have first hand knowledge that the Dex is built to withstand more highs than is healthy for anybody. And then some.

Going straight and level for hours on end is not good when it is due to being off the top of the Dex chart.

I don’t remember when but we hit a bad patch. It has been some time now. It might have been the G4 - not sure but in any event the G4 and G5 use the same sensor.

I have no idea about Medtronic.

We picked our current pump (ultimately went with Tandem X2) based on what pumps either were already integrated with Dexcom or had plans to integrate with Dexcom.

Of course on the other hand, we are not one of those people who can run a sensor for 30 days or 45 days or anything. A typical run for us is 12 days. So past that - no idea.