DN’s Running and Other Mishaps Thread

can i give this more than 1 heart? needs about 20, lol


Running went better today than the cutting calories is going… so I’ll start with the cutting calories. I don’t know if you’ve already clarified (please don’t be offended if you have), but could you just specify which calories to cut?? Like am I just eating less? Or am I cutting carb calories?? I actually am getting it done, I just wanted to make sure I’m doing it right.

Today I did cutdowns. 10 minute warm up with increasing speed every 5 minutes for 35 minutes, ending at 7.4. Did it, stuck to it, enjoyed it. It was a good run, and my number were good, too. RPE was probably 5-5.5 for all of it until the last 5 minutes where it probably hit 6. I had a long suspend over night, which caused some ripples in my morning BG, but I did my morning coffee/small IV combo to get me to a 117. It was over an hour of ZB so that 117 was actually the start of a climb, but I got it going on time.

Starting BG: 117
Mi 1: 105
MI 2: 95
*.25 unit pump bolus
Mi 3: 90
Mi 4: 98
Mi 4.25–
*resume basal
Mi 5: 107 (finish)
*1.5 unit bolus
Walk a mile and got off at a 90

So pain… foot is what it has been. It’s held steady after last Monday’s hills. Still waiting on results of MRI… so maybe there will be something in there to explain things, but my hips are kind of tight. I haven’t been completely open about how they’ve been, but that’s because they haven’t been bad… They’ve just been on a slow, steady course of kind of getting tighter. And a little more painful. With the pinching… and foot numbness. I thought— or hoped— that my week off with the flu was going to result in a reset, but that’s not really what’s happened. They’re not bad, but they’re definitely back on my radar… and probably have been for a month or two. And I’m taking a little more NSAIDS than usual… :grimacing:

That’s all. How we doing?


35% less of everything if you can, but especially focus on less fat.

Are you still doing core and stretching? You need to keep going with that!

The BG numbers look great. And the RPE is great. Just what you want out of the day.

Sounds like we’re right where we want to be at this point, except I want you to focus on a lot of stretching and loosening up your hips. Do all the stretches for your hips - abductor, flexor, psoas - stretch everything.

Congrats on the cake thingy!


On year 1 you get a cake. On year 2 we give you a vial of insulin so you can actually eat it. :crazy_face:


@Nickyghaleb congrats on your anniversary


Best diabetes year yet. No coincidence either. You guys have been good to me, patient with me, and so very nice. And you have given me back running, taught me how to handle my business, and have brought a rich and fulfilling friendship. And to think I came here looking for some boring sensor information. :grin:

So thank you, but no cake for me. I had to cut down fat calories this week. :grin:


Just lick the icing. It is fat free.


Technically it’s all fat free if no one saw you eat it. :grin:


Thanks, @elver. :hugs:


Hi Nick. How many of those 4 things did you get done today?

Hi, @Eric. :grin:

I completely forgot to post… Okay, I order the earvuds

That’s no good. I think I’m falling asleep. :woman_facepalming:

Trying to tell you I ordered the earbuds and for the armband for the phone. There was something else and I can’t remember what Ute is.

But I’ll check the list and do it today.

And I’ll post.

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The other two.

  1. The Garmin
  2. A safety pin attached to a string attached to the cap of a lancet. Using J-B Weld.
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I’m up, and I remember. Garmin and lancet holder. I think I have the stuff of this holder. I can make it tomorrow.

@Eric not trying to jump tread but would like to ask question, no you have a DUTY for a broken medtronic belt clip. The strap that holds to meter is fine the pilot point on the belt clip broke. Any ideas will help am in able to buy one till june.

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I can probably fix it for you. Or at least make it usable. Post a pic and let me see what I am working with.


All right and thank you. Will send pics tomorrow, its in gaurage. The pilot journal thet holds the pivot pin on the moving part broke off when I was working on my racing motor. If I could have found the piece I could fix easy peasy but can’t find. Could make mold and form replacement but really time consuming, really small part.


Hi @T1john. :hugs: I was trying to figure out what you actually need— is it just a belt clip?? The whole piece?? Having @Eric fix it is probably a better guarantee, but I’d be happy to look through the clips I have and see if I have one. If you send a pic to Eric, send me one, too.

How are you feeling these days?? You’re up working on your racing motor… that’s gotta be good. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hey @Nickyghaleb, feeling so so, but try not to let that stop me. Am trying to get strenth, stamina and weight up before I break my Harley back out.
Need whole clip for 530g, will do pic in a bit. Have to run some airends first.


@Eric, @Nickyghaleb hopefully here are pc’s