There are a few things that you have to stick to…
Any kind of basal and food adjustments you make for runs are fine. And that sort of thing is encouraged. You don’t need to always do it the same way. I want you to test different things and experiment and find the right formula for each day. All of that is good stuff.
For easy runs, anything you want to do for fueling is fine, no problem. But eventually, as you progress back into it, 2 or 3 days of each week will be runs of significance. And on those particular days, coffee is not a fueling option. If you need to raise your BG before one of those runs, it needs to be with a quantifiable amount of carbs. Enjoy your coffee either a few hours before, or after. Not right before you go running. For easy runs, coffee is fine. Not for the significant runs.
Stretching needs to be done every day. 5-10 minutes at least, and on every day. No fudging on this.
Core work needs to be done at least 4 days each week. And again, no fudging on this one either.
The workout is what it is. No ad lib. No impromptu stuff. If it says 3 miles, it does not mean you can do 4.5 miles just because you feel good. You can cut a workout short if you are hurting. You can reduce your pace on the speed work or intervals if you can’t hit them. But you can’t pile miles on top, or increase the speed. If there is a free run, it will say that. Otherwise, stick to the plan.
Your first goal will be a 5k race, and the target will be to get there without hurting yourself while training, and running a time that feels like you have accomplished something. Once you get past that, we start looking at shaving seconds.
All good?