DN’s Running and Other Mishaps Thread

I am guessing you mean 171?

BG perfect, pace perfect, RPE perfect.

All of that sounds great!

Good job. You have earned your vacation. Have fun at the beach!

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Almost. First about this morning… went out at a BG of 177, returned at 93. It was hard from the first step. I was just beat, but i was also working off of like 4 hours of sleep. Anyway, I still managed 6.6 miles in 58 minutes… wasn’t happy about cutting it off under the time, but I made myself not quit for the first 58 minutes, so…

I made myself go out on the road today because I was worried I was getting spoiled by the flat runs on treadmill and track. Turns out I WAS getting spoiled. Hills hurt. But I watched my HR and kept it under a 176. It was a crawl, but I can do this…

What else? I’ve got time to chat. We’ve been in the car an hour and a half and gone 11 miles… I could almost be doing this on foot. :woman_facepalming:

We might need to work on some elevations for your race. When you get a chance, take a look at the course and see what the elevations look like.

Beside the hills, the temperature is another factor. What was the temp when you went running this morning?

There is a big difference between 70 and 80 degrees when running!

Are you sleeping enough? If you are posting at 2am and running at 8am, sounds like sleep is a factor.

Are you hydrating enough?

Starting at 177 is also less than ideal. What happened with that, is it still the coffee? Also did you eat anything before your run? Running right when you wake up and before breakfast means you are somewhat depleted, so that can add to the difficulty. But running with higher BG also hurts.

Ideally, you want to have something to eat, and then wait a few hours to have no IOB. I know you can’t always do that, but that’s just the ideal scenario. I know today you are heading out so it wasn’t possible. Don’t worry about it, you can always work on this in the future.

Don’t worry about the pacing or anything like that. An hour of elevated heart rate is what you want today. So you did that. So be happy with yourself today!

You are building the machine. Different parts get built on different days. Today is the day you increase your capillary density, increase your mitochondrial volume in your muscle fibers, improve your ability to deliver oxygen, strengthen your muscles and tendons, and improve your endurance.

You did all of that today. There is absolutely nothing negative here. Job done! Enjoy your break!


I will read your nice response once I’m not low and sick, but for some reason, this seems to be a great time to tell you I can’t walk. It was a 7 hour car ride, and I hope that was the problem, but my right hip is locked up. And I can’t even lift my foot off the floor. My left hip is not that bad but CLOSE. But my feet and ankles are swollen from the car ride even though I didn’t really eat any sodium so… it must be this??? WTH?? AND we forgot the PS4 at home (video game console) so not much fun so far…

I’m off tomorrow anyway, but???

Sitting still after a long run is not the best thing to do. I know you didn’t have any choice today. :frowning_face:

In general though, after a long run, try to keep moving a little bit. Just walking when you can. Occasionally getting up and moving around, things like that.

Alternating ice and heat will be your best bet right now. Also take some Advil.

That’s the best thing you can do right now.



Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face:

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One other question… should I try to make myself walk through it?? Is there any chance it will help??

Don’t do anything that hurts.
Start with a hot soak, then ice.

Then see what kind of mobility you have. Nothing but easy and gentle for now.

Not much you can do for compression with a hip.

If it was swollen or injured I’d tell you to go straight for the ice. But I am guessing it’s just stiffness from lack of movement.

Don’t forget your Advil.

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Okay. So it was quite a week, and to make a long story short, I didn’t run at all. I have excellent reasons, but I wouldn’t be able to keep it short as promised. (But I also can’t stop myself, so… couldn’t walk Saturday-Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday still a lot of pain, Thursday was kid’s birthday and a diabetes disaster, Friday laying low and eating Advil so that it doesn’t all start again after car ride home tomorrow).

I’m back tomorrow, and I’d like to get on the treadmill and try to do something. Do you have a suggestion?? My hip isn’t 100%, but it’s solid enough to plan on a workout. I’m just not sure where to pick up. Which reminds me, I’ve picked up 5 lbs while I was here.

Can’t wait to be home…

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Easy week to just gently test the ice before you get out on the lake. Let’s make sure it will hold up. Mind the paces and durations!

Week 5: (Reset Week)
Monday, August 6, 25-30 minute Easy Run
9:31-10:00 pace

How did Monday feel? Don’t run if you are hurting.

Tuesday, August 7, Pace check
1/2 mile warmup at easy pace

6 sets:
200m at 8:00 pace (7.5 MPH)
200m easy recovery jog

1/2 mile cool-down at easy pace

Wednesday, August 8, Off day

Thursday, August 9, Sub-tempo run
1/2 mile warmup at easy pace

1 miles at 8:34 pace

1 mile cool-down at easy pace

Still okay?

Friday, August 10, 30-35 minute Easy Run
8:57-9:55 pace

Weekend, August 11 or 12, Long Run
45 minutes at 9:31-10:16 pace

This is an easy week just to see how you are doing. Do not push beyond the paces and durations. If you are okay, we will pick it up for week 6.

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Looks doable. Thank you very much. And for tomorrow or Sunday? Is there something I can do to try to start reversing some of the damage from this week? Can I run tomorrow?

Do Monday’s run on Sunday, and then don’t run on Monday. See how you feel.

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Perfect. Thank you!

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Hey, I’m replying over here, which is weird, but, my question is running related…

You mentioned a “diabetes disaster” and I am wondering if you were referring to this:

AND that made me wonder if your severe lows/fast drop nausea (and now vomiting) might have to do with an electrolyte imbalance OR SOMETHING somehow related to your recently picking up running again (although it’s completely possible/likely I am conflating two unrelated things)?


I don’t know if you’re conflating two unrelated things or not. I hadn’t considered the connection, but maybe there is something to it. It was powerful stuff… I know that, too. Thank you for the thought. I see my endo in about 3 weeks. I’ll ask her if there could be a connection.

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Could I bother you to tell me again what I want in a Garmin? I’ve been on Amazon, and it wasn’t as straightforward as I thought. There were new ones for $450 and refurbished ones and orange and white and I don’t know what else…

This is for my HR, AND this is for my miles???

I am quite curious about that too. The Garmin stuff is so varied and so confusing. And wildly differently priced.

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Is it ever… except for the fancier stuff. That stuff is consistently priced. :grimacing:

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I know I bugged you about running on Saturday, but I ended up not doing it until today.

All in all, it was okay. I don’t know if a week off is supposed to leave me feeling fantastic, but I hope not. I was pretty stiff. I ended up getting a little over 3 miles in 30 minutes on the treadmill. My hips were funny. I kept waiting for them to settle into it, but they didn’t. So my RPE was like a 5, but hip stiffness was a thing.

My BG was also a mess. I started at a 169 and finished at a 227. It was just messy again. Two cups of coffee this morning without insulin, and then I suspended an hour before I started. Not too impressive.

The good news is I ran today. I’m feeling great about that. It was a difficult week. Tomorrow morning I go for the nuclear stress test. Am I still not running tomorrow?? Or is it okay to do something little?

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You should not do anything until you get your hips figured out. A visit to a good physical therapist is probably the best thing for you to do right now.

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