Discussion of Tandem's recently released Basal-IQ function

It is not uncommon for Animas users to switch to Tandem.
The Medtronic 640g is comparable to the Basal-IQ / PLGS update.
The Medtronic 670g / 690g is comparable to the Control-IQ / HCL update.
(690g obviously not released)
As you undoubtedly are aware, Tandem has the ability to remotely provide updates for the X2 pump.
The Tandem Basal-IQ / PLGS update is FDA approved and scheduled to launch this month (August 2018).
The Tandem Control-IQ / HCL update has a launch goal of Summer 2019.
The Medtronic 640g uses the Medtronic Enlite Sensor.
The Medtronic 670g users the Medtronic Guardian Sensor.
The Tandem Basal-IQ and Control-IQ are (and will) use the Dexcom G6 sensor.

We will download and update our Tandem upon launch. According to Tandem Customer Support, it will not work with our G5. I plan to verify that myself.

In the late September or early October, I plan to upgrade to the G6 at which point we would certainly be making use of the Basal-IQ.