"Diabetes Care from Parent to Child: Passing the Torch of Care" by Kerri Sparling


That is a nice article. Thanks for posting. It made me rethink things around my son’s doctors appointments.


Great article! Kudos to your parents and to you for taking on the responsibility! My story was much different and I don’t blame anyone. When I was diagnosed long before the great technology I spent 2 months in the hospital learning how to give injections in an orange. Once released I was on my own. Checking blood sugar was done in test tube with a pill and urine. Not very accurate at the time and I hated it. Needless to say other than taking my injection faithfully and watching my diet I did nothing. Did not see an endocrinologist until I became pregnant with first child.They did not check A1C at the time. Fortunately I was blessed with 2 healthy pregnancies. My children are only 15 months apart.
I had a brother 5years younger that was brain damaged during birth so my Mom had a full plate. Diabetes scared her and she never gave me an injection. I have become obsessed in my older age with all of the technology and feel very blessed to be as healthy as I am in spite of my story!
Thank you for sharing and I am thrilled that parents today have the technology and information to be of great help to their children!!!