Diabetes and starting school: difficult choices?

We are in serious discussions now regarding whether to home school him for this very reason. I hate the thought of putting my child’s literal life in someone else’s hands other than my wife and I.

My wife has always been reserved about home schooling because she said she doesn’t feel qualified…I’m told her numerous times that an MBA is MORE than enough qualifications to home school…especially today where there are so many resources. Curriculum and materials are provided…I’m sure it’s harder than that, but it’s not something she can’t do. She’s amazingly intelligent (sometimes sickening to me…because I lose a lot of arguments to her.)

We’ve discussed also home-schooling Ronan (our autistic son), but we’ve been fortunate to locate to areas that have AMAZING education programs specifically for children in the spectrum. She’s meeting with educators today to talk about his “middle school” transition.