Dexcom G6 best practices

I’m waiting for FedEx to bring it today. Once I get it, I’ll be sure to scope out a reliable spot on my abdomen before plopping my sensor on

Had a rough morning. Slept in on my weekend off only to wake up to a low of 38. Yikes, hate how disorienting a number like that can be.


I rotate between inner thighs and back of upper arms. Accuracy is great for both.

Abdomen for X2 insulin pump sites.


I use back of upper arms. I use abs for OmniPod.


I use upper arms, both the back and the inside.

Those of you who use upper arms, do you sleep on your back or on your side? And if on your side, is it the opposite arm to the sensor?

I mostly sleep on my back. If I sleep on my side with the sensor, it will definitely have a compression low, or worse, a signal loss. So I will try to remember to raise my sensor arm by putting my opposite hand under the sensor. This helps to keep pressure off the sensor.


Yup, I have learned to sleep on the opposite side and not on my gear. Right now my sensor is on the outside of my right leg and my pod behind the right hip (low back/flank).


6 posts were split to a new topic: Calf Placement of Dexcom - Alternate Spots that work

Well as luck would have it my current G6 sensor is on Day 17 and still going strong. No idea if any best practices helped this sensor’s longevity or if it’s just the luck of the draw…some bad batches and some good batches.


Use an allergy relief nasal spray like Flonase over the area where the Dexcom will be applied before you attach. Rub it in and let it dry, then attach your sensor. Works miracles!


Thanks, I definitely tried that—- was still having severe reactions (like second degree burns/ permanent scars)

What I finally found worms for me is the hydrocolloid dressing underneath… kind of a pain but it keeps the stuff off you