Dexcom blackout during surgical procedure

A couple of weeks ago I had a procedure. I was allowed to keep my pump on at 75% basal rate. When I was in recovery I looked at my pump and phone and was surprised by the lack of data. I didn’t see any basal at all just a blank screen. Looking at TidePool I see that basal was delivered but no Dexcom readings. Here’s a couple of screenshots. The first is Dexcom and the second is TidePool. For some reason I cannot get T:Connect to work other than mobile.

It might have been caused by the use of a plasma scalpel??

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Could it be Bluetooth interference? I know when I walk into an Apple store my Dexcom drops signals til i leave the store. I’m thinking it is due to Bluetooth interference.


Possibly but my doc mentioned that the plasma scalpel interferes with ECG display


When I had a colonoscopy earlier this year, my Dexcom was functioning within 5-10 points of being accurate right before I entered the hospital. When I was in pre op, they did a blood stick test and my Dexcom was reading 35-40 points higher. I did another blood stick test and sure enough mine read it was off too. So the Anesthesiologist and me decided not to trust it. The procedure was so short, I don’t think it much mattered anyways. In my case I am wondering if lack of fluids and maybe dehydration hit about the time I was having the procedure.

It was disheartening to know that I might not actually be able to count on it helping if I ever need a longer surgery.