Dexcom Accuracy

Good afternoon all, I have to say this surprised me, but anyway makes me happy.


Accuracy is usually best when flatlining !!

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Old story. A man comes into a watch shop and says, “My watch is inaccurate, it’s only right twice a day!” The watchmaker takes it, looks at it, and says, “It’s stopped, I’ll fix it.” The guy gives over his $20 and walks out, happy.

A week later he comes back, “Hey, you fixed this watch and it hasn’t been right since!”

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Of course, if it was the same on steady rise or steady fall it would be off, i guess if you are on a roller coaster ride with bg’s than there also would be possibility of match, but it happened go play the lottery. Even flatlining don’t see to often. I only checked with meter because i didn’t feel low, normally i can tell when it gets in 70ish range. Don’t check very often, with new sensor and feelings don’t match readings,

My Dex’s are usually 20plus points off on either direction and they tend to not respond quickly to rises or falls. Every once in awhile I’ll get a magical sensor like the one you have described. I love when this happens! I try to take advantage of it and really test out my carb ratios and pre bolus times by eating my favorite meals. It definitely helps me out when I get a crappy sensor and gives me confidence for meal boluses. No low carbing during the magical sensor just Sugar Surfing all the way.

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I love sugar surfing, but for some reasons my insulin resistance likes to play games, not sure if it’s the warmer weather, that i am exercising a lot more or what two weeks ago i could bolus for actual carbs and bg and not go under 150, always had to follow up with another correction or two, finally dropped both carbs covered and correction factor and now it goes low every time i eat, or 1hr+ after, so today i bumped up again. Let me say i am not one for adjusting and readjusting my settings, but have had to lately.


Dexcom is great and pretty accurate. Bu those rise/fall arrows are annoying. Have taught myself to be patient and wait until the dex stabilizes. This morning said 169 with rising fast arrow. When it settled it was 123. It’s been hard because I want to stack the insulin dose. Am on MDI.

@Jane17 good afternoon, i learned something years ago, if you don’t like arrows and you are high and want to bolus, do a manual bg test and remember the Dexcom is 15 (±) finger stick. So if fingerstick is higher than Dexcom you are still rising if lower than Dexcom you are dropping regardless of arrows in Dexcom

Hello. Thanks for answering. Was just a general observation about the arrows. Just find it odd. If I have any concerns I do take a finger stick. Am very thankful for CGM. So much better than sticking my fingers multiple times a day. Have a great day.

Jane Cerullo

The arrows depend on the smoothing algorithm. G6, G7, xDrip+, other collectors all have different smoothing algos. I don’t find any of them useful. They can be informative and are for many people but for me and you that particular piece of information is gash. Ignore it.

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@jbowler It’s just a tool like everything else, we have to learn it’s value to us if any.

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Hello again. You appear to be much more technical than I. I sort of base my opinion on personal observations. Another reason I went back to MDI. Like to make my own decisions based on me.

Jane Cerullo

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Indeed; that’s what I said.

+1 That’s what I do.