Daisy Mae's swimming BG thread

Yes. And fast carbs. Yogurt is not the way to go.

Protein, carbs, and fluids. Your Boost shakes has a lot of that. But more carbs is useful. What is your carb count post-swim?

That sounds good!

Is it like this?


Or this?


Share your recipe!

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i dont use liquid chocolate. i use a candy bar in between a challah roll. not toasted or anything. just a simple chocolate sandwich.

32 gms of carbs immediately following my work-out. (2 Boost Shakes at once)

then 2.5 - 3 hours later, i eat dinner. (42 gms carbs )

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how would a glass of milk be?

Milk is a great source of quality proteins - whey and casein. For post-exercise, it is even better if you added some sugary carb thing to it, like Ovaltine!

You have to find the right balance of carbs.

Which Boost are you using?

You said 2 Boost shakes = 32 grams, but their normal one (Boost Original) has 41 grams in each bottle, so that doesn’t add up.

Are you using this one?
(I hope not!)


yes, i am using the Glucose Control Boost. it works perfectly; i NEVER spike afterwards, and it is VERY filling. it has very little sugar in it.

any time i have tried increasing my sugar-filled carbs i spike like CRAZY: going from something like 85 BG up to 250 BG within minutes !!! (remember my experiment with the chocolate milk i tried when i was in Florida? we discussed this.

This is not enough fast carbs.

You will restore better with fast carbs. Slow carbs do not restore you as well. You can prevent those drops you are having down to 35 in the evenings by taking more fast carbs.

You said you need to find a way to prevent this crash, and I can tell you, 100%, that getting fast sugary carbs into your body right away will help this!

You need to find the right amount of insulin to let it get to work in your body. I promise you, this prevents drops after exercise.


when i drink the Boost that i am currently drinking, i use 1/2 the insulin for the carbs in each shake. instead of counting for 16 gms carbs, EACH (a total of 32 gms) i only bolus 1.6 units for both the shakes.

maybe with the higher sugars content in an “original” Boost, i should be bolusing for the full amount of carbs??? Your thoughts on this?

You will need to experiment with a number that works. But probably a good idea to start with the full IC for the carbs and adjust after you see what happens.

And try taking at least (absolute minimum) 20 grams of sugar (meaning fast carbs, not slow carbs).

What you have been taking is 8 grams of sugar (see picture above).

this is exactly what happened with the chocolate milk. i think that it had 28 gms of sugars in it.
and the spike was immediate and crazy high.

I have at least 40 grams when I finish, sometimes much more. But I take a big dose to prevent a spike. More insulin than I need for the carbs.

But that bigger amount of insulin prevents a spike, because more insulin is available right at the point I am taking the carbs.

IOB? Sure, but that is no problem, because dinner follows soon after. So the IOB is part of the dinner dose.

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do you bother to pre-bolus for this? i wait half an hour after bolusing before i drink my shakes. i can spike pretty easily. just remember, you and i digest our food differently. YDMV. you usually take 100% up front for everything. i need to rely on my dual bolus feature to eat most of the stuff that you do. so all that sugar might be great for you, but it isnt necessarily good for me.

that doesnt mean that i am unwilling to try your way at least once; it just means we’re different.

and, as far as eating my yogurt after a workout is concerned, my yogurt is very soupy in texture . i can practically drink it, and it is a great source of both protein and carbs. why would you think that it is slow to digest?

PS: i would rather drink 3 of my Boost shakes than consume all of that sugar :blush:

40 gms of carbs, or 40 gms of sugar? or both?

remember when i told you how i ate 1 malt ball to bring my BG up, and you said it would take an entire bag full of malt balls to bring up your BG? i just respond differently to sugar than you do.

there simply must be a middle ground :sunny: and i am guessing that this will be another experiment for Daisy Mae and her Swimming Days.

(UGH!!! when does it end??? and btw, what are your BGs like before and after you drink all of this sugar and carbs?)

and remember, i am a tiny little thing. i am 50 pounds lighter than you are :wink:

If it has a high fat content, it would slow it down.

I make my Ovaltine and protein mix with 1% milk, just so the sugar is not slowed down!

Sure I understand we are not the same for insulin and all of that. I am not disconnecting for as long as you, which makes a difference too.

If you are worried about a spike, I would suggest an IM shot when you are done swimming, to speed it up. I really think that would help you reduce the spikes. And more carbs will help reduce the crazy drops.

I can run 15 miles and not drop after. Because I am sucking down a crazy amount of carbs.

Do you remember this Easter thread I posted, of the carb equivalents for 15 miles?

You have got to replace that fuel! Your body uses fat and glucose (in the form of muscle glycogen, blood sugar, and liver glycogen). The harder you are swimming, the higher the percentage your body is using the glucose forms for energy.

If you swim 2 hours, you need to replace it!

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do you take carbs during your run? or is everything taken after your run? or both?

Most of my carbs that happen right after running are simple sugar. dinner comes later and is more complex carbs, but most of the carbs I am taking right away are instant, from Ovaltine and tart cherry. Sometimes even a coke!

Right, which is why I told you 20 grams of sugar, not 40 grams like I am doing.

Sometimes during. If I am practicing fueling, or if I need it. But I don’t count that as fueling for after. I don’t subtract it.


DM, you have mastered the swimming BG, right? Incredible numbers you are putting up. Remember a year ago. And now look at what you are doing!

Are you done?

You are talking about problems spiking or dropping after swims. That is the next thing to attack.

So you have to start going after that.

Or you can just be content to stick with where you are.

I think standing still is boring.

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how many gms of sugar are in the Original Boost Shakes?

what a great quotation. you should post that on that site!!! :blush:

standing still is boring…thats why i swim :wink:


how long does it generally take you to run 15 miles? AND, how do you negotiate your basal rate? do you do a 0% TB at all? or something more like an 80% TB during your entire run?

let me know your basic formula for an average run. you dont need to be exact; i am just very very curious. i would love to know how different we are and how our different bodies respond to insulin or lack of insulin or both.

please share :blush:

the chocolate milk i drank in Florida post swim had 28 gms of sugar in it and i only bolused for 1/2 that amount (14 gms) , b/c that has been my “secret formula” with how i bolus for my Boost Shakes (taking only 1/2 the amount of insulin than i would normally need to cover the carbs)

if i remember correctly, i went from something like a BG of 85 to 245 in less than 1/2 an hour. it was instant. if i were to drink 3 Boost Shakes instead of 2, that would amount to 48 gms of carbs and 12 gms of sugar. i would bolus for 24 gms for that. how does that sound to you? (currently, the 2 shakes amount to 32 gms of carbs and 32 gms of protein and 8 gms of sugar.