Daisy Mae's swimming BG thread

None whatsoever. But they offered, so I said we would try it for big meals. Experimenting is always good.

I also thought that we would try amylin on those peaks just in case they are glucagon-caused. If so, it will help. But I am guessing adrenalin and ??? are to blame, in which case amylin will do NOTHING.

I do have some, enough for about 4-5 weeks: that is probably good for a short trial.

Thatā€™s crazy to me. If my doc wouldnā€™t prescribe tresiba Iā€™d just tell him heā€™s fired. Itā€™s the new standard. I can understand their reluctance to go off label and everything else but Iā€™d consider tresiba the absolute bare minimum in the year 2018. There is no rational basis for refusing thatā€¦

Or was it more like ā€œsee if this works first then weā€™ll talk about thatā€ ?

You know we are leaving for Europe for a year in a few months. So it is not a good idea, I think, for us to leave for a new endo now. If we need something from there, and we donā€™t have an established relationship, we will not have an easy time.

That is what it was. But it still is BS: we only see our endo every 3 months, and life goes on in the mean time. We are the ones taking care of D, not them.


Yeah, unfortunately, in the pediatric endo world, there arenā€™t that many choices in any given area. In Portland there are only two groups. True, you could switch within the group, but that doesnā€™t always help. Where Michel lives, I am assuming the choices might be even more restricted.

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13 posts were split to a new topic: PWDs: should we use endocrinologists or family practitioners?

I AM BACK, BABY! new experiments on the way:

just got the OK from my surgeon; i am back, recovered enough, to get back into the pool YAHOO !!!

i will start slow and not have unreasonable expectations of myself. it has been 3 months since my surgery. i swam right up till the day before my surgery, so, when i do my calculations its just a little bit under 3 months since iā€™ve been in the pool

i am leaving for Florida this weekend to visit my mom. she has a lap pool at her house, so it should be a perfect way for me to ease back into my routine. i plan to start out with a 1/2hours worth of laps. i doubt i need to do my former prep-work as i did for a 2 hour swim. but, experiment,experiment,experiment and i will find my groove.

over-the-top with UNLIMITED excitement!!!


Woohoo! This is fabulous news, @daisymae!

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Excellent! Thatā€™s great news! Good luck getting back in the pool and enjoy your visit to your momā€™s!!!



Alright! Your news made my day, DM, I was sad to hear you depressed all that time w/o swimming :slight_smile:

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Yay!!! Iā€™m so glad to hear that, @daisymae !


thank you so much michel and to all of you others who continue to root root root me on. i have a bit of a cold now (minor) so my TB is up to 140% ; i am hoping i will be all back to normal and fit to get into that (apparently) heated pool. of course, its 80 degrees in Florida today (Sarasota) and the pool is outdoors, so this will be a wonderful way to spoil myself. no going to the gym, no sharing a locker room, no waiting for a lane to open upā€¦

I am so psyched :blush:


Watch out Brooklyn pool! Youā€™ve got a challenger in Florida!

Your temporary digs sounds delightful! I came to pick my mom up and got stuck here for a month, first with her health problems and now with influenza which has knocked me flat. Iā€™ve been sleeping on the couch! Maybe Iā€™ll pretend Iā€™m swimming at your momā€™s house! Sounds really lovely. (And getting some exercise and not spending 24-7 with family is super smart! Go you!)

Safe travels!


That sounds luxurious and wonderful @daisymae! Maybe youā€™ll love it so much that you wonā€™t want to go back home!!

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trust me when i say that i will want to go home after 10 days with my mother :sunglasses:



tomorrow i plan to jump back in really easy. iā€™m going to do a half hour swim. my prep will be modified from my last swimming as it will take a while for my body to readjust. i will only be turning off my pump for 1 hour (instead of the old 2.5 hours) pre-swim and NOT give myself the micro bolus up front. my last meal will have been an early breakfast leaving me with no IOB except the left-over basal.

i treated myself to a deep tissue massage this afternoon to warm and loosen up my muscles. i hope that helps.

i am soooooo excited that there are no words for it. i am also a bit nervous. i promise to keep you all posted on how it goes.

and thats all the newsā€¦


Experimenting Again:

It was awesome to be back in the pool :bangbang:ļø

Detatched from my pump for one hour before swimming. My BG was 130 when I began swimming and 1/2 hour of laps later were 115. I bolused 1 unit and reconnected.

It was a ridiculously easy swim. I might have just walked to the grocery storešŸ¤£ tomorrow I will swim for 45 minutes ( I just didnā€™t want to get injured today, otherwise I would have swam longerā€¦itā€™s been 3 months since Iā€™ve been in the pool)

Also, but not to make any excuses, I was up at 4am this morning to catch my flight to Florida, so I am pretty exhausted.

But I am happy with how it went. Tomorrow is another day. Iā€™ll keep you posted.



Thatā€™s amazing @daisymae, so encouraging that you felt so good after 3 months off recovering from surgery!

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Thanks Tia. I am a little shaky now. My BG was 53, so I had some fresh papaya and am waiting for it to rise.

I might have to do an overnight TB of 85%. Iā€™ll make an adjustment before going to sleep if needed. My body is probably exhausted and confused :wink: I think this readjustment may take a little while. Patients for the UNLLIMITED