Daisy Mae's swimming BG thread

Health Trouble Since Not Swimming:

just to report briefly, since i have not been exercising regularly, my symptoms of gastroparesis have flared up. i feel miserable. nausea, feelings of over-fullness in stomach and belly, terrible distention in my abdomen, so much so that i have a belly that resembles a 2 month pregnant woman.

when i was swimming, my symptoms magically disappeared. now that i am only walking for exercise, bah boom;

otherwise, everything is well on the home front. but what can i do besides being on antibiotics to nudge this along?

any suggestions or ideas? who else has dealt with this and how have you handled this in the past? i know that the antibiotic will work, but what about after that? i still have till April before i can get into the pool again. UGH. so much tzoris.

thanks ahead of time. looking forward to hearing from everyone who sadly falls into this catagory. :frowning: DM

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Along with not exercising any more, you stated that you have changed your diet to eat far less carb and more protein and fat. More protein and fat will exacerbate slow gastric emptying. Maybe look to your diet to make further adjustments.


thx for the reminder. this past wednesday my husband and i went out for burgers, fries, guacamole and chips. massive food fest. pure fat. i look back at that and realize what might have contributed to my ill health. (although i was sick before then; i think it just exacerbated whats going on now.)


@daisymae, I am proud to be able to declare that you are the only person in the history of FUD to use the word tzoris!

I love that word! I once spent a summer in NYC (but thatā€™s another story :slight_smile: ), and thatā€™s where I heard it the first time! That wonderful bookstore owner in Greenwich Village would tell me all these stories while I spent hours in her store, with hundreds of Yiddish words. I had to buy a Yiddish dictionary that summer (Leo Rostenā€™s!) to understand what she told meā€¦ In particular, she had great and long stories of other peopleā€™s tsuris (why is it always a plural?)!

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its a great word. i love yiddish; so many diff languages all mixed together. my family would speak it when they didnt want us to know what they were talking about :wink:


My family did that with a very old Spanish dialect, that is 500+ years old, called Ladino. Basically Castilian Spanish from 1492.


do you follow the same protocol ?

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My wife doesnā€™t speak it. But my older son mostly does. He speaks Spanish like a native, he understands Ladino, and he knows a good number of idioms. So when my firstborn and I want to have a secret from my youngest, we do speak a mix of Ladino and Spanish together.


sounds familiar. so sneaky :wink:

PS: i learned what yiddish i know by being left out of the conversations.


Sorry youā€™re feeling poorly! The rummy troubles sound like a bummer. Iā€™m sending good thoughts your way!

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still on dry land :disappointed_relieved: but, iā€™ve been able to get my brisk walking in every day which is the best i can do for now.

CHANGES: since i have not been swimming i have had to make a lot of dietary and ICR and some basal changes. and, as a result (at least i think) , i have lost about 5 pounds. i have cut out most of my carbs, i have been snacking less, and i have tried to eat dinner earlier so i dont go to bed on a full stomach. (i think that my metabolism has changed, and i am not burning my food as quickly as when i was swimming; which allowed me to eat a later dinner without feeling full before putting my head down on the pillow)

i feel sad that i am still not able to swim, but i dont want to injure myself or delay my full recovery. but each day i wake up and realize that it wont be a swimming day and that i have to change my routine to keep me going. some days i am happy as can be. it is the cold and snowy part of winter in brooklyn, so i can really bundle up and not have to worry about leaving the pool with a wet head of hair. :sunny:

anywayā€¦just thought i would keep you all posted and to know that i havent forgot about any of you. i must admit that i miss your rooting me on. i miss your big cheers and your compassion. i liked knowing that you were all out there helping me to keep going, even when i felt i was failing.

thanks to all of you in advance. no more news (yet) to report)


We canā€™t wait to read more, so dont rush but hurry up and get back to 100%!


you are so kind, michel. i really appreciate your continued support. it really does mean the world to me :sunny:

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Your willpower is steel, @daisymae, you are amazing! I have to be more like you :slightly_smiling_face:

Even if you donā€™t come back to the swimming pool right away, we need more of you here, DM!


Not Yet, But Other Alternatives:
got the go ahead to do some seriously brisk walking. discussed this with eric and he suggested that i start getting my muscles back into shape. also, it helps so many other things when i exercise (sleep, appetite, digestion, mood, weight, etc)

so, i decided that i would brave the weather and walk over the Manhattan Bridge and back to Brooklyn every afternoon. it takes about 1.5 hours and is a hell of a walk. (up, down, up down)

hopefully, this will help improve my spirits.

for this, i plan on trying out an 80% Temp Basal an hour before i leave the house and set it for 1.5 hours. this should keep my BGs elevated enough without worrying about crashing.

my goodness, how diff exercises require diff formulas. so much BG manipulation with the pump. and btw, thank god for the pump. i doubt i could ever manage this on MDI, especially without a CGM. :smile:

now its supposed to pour the rest of the week. cold, wet, and windy. i intend to put my plan into action after the weekend. i will keep you posted.

and thats all the news thats fit to print

I know YDMV :slight_smile: FYI, we do many long walks (2-6 hours with my son). He does not need to lower his basal when we do. The interesting thing, though, is that, when we stop for a munch every couple of hours, he doesnā€™t need to bolus either.

After the walk, for several hours we will see progressively lower BG if we donā€™t refuel. Thatā€™s our experience.


If heā€™s not swimming maybe a good time for the tresiba experiment?

I personally like to call it the tresiba life-change instead


I just asked for some Tresiba at the clinic and they turned me down too. They want to wait until we have tried Apidra for fast acting first, and amylin. I need a new endo, but timewise it does not make too much sense right now.


Man, I can take their side on the afrezza, but tresiba is a far more conservative course of treatment than pumped anything, I would have thought theyā€™d be jumping for joy if you asked for that. Thought you had some laying around?

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Amylin is supposed to be quite finicky to use ā€“ and really only helpful for food, as it slows the spike associated with food. If your issue is hormonal peaks, what is the benefit of amylin?