Daisy Mae's swimming BG thread

UGH. i wish i were recooperated yesterday :wink:



just a brief word to keep you posted. i have been really enjoying the very crisp weather for the walking i have been able to do. its not the pool, but it is a true holiday gift to know that i am healing well, have motion in my right arm, and that my pain level is significantly lessened.

my BGs have been excellent; as i mentioned before, i have cut WAY back on carbs, so that probably has something to do with it. and i wouldnt be surprised to find that i might even have lost a little weight. but maybe not, b/c i am mostly, still, sedentary.

i continue to post on the ā€œMOVIES (etc)ā€ thread, mainly b/c i am at home and watching tv keeps my mind off of things, for example the fact that i am not able to swim yet :wink:

wishing you all a wonderful happy and healthy and double bolus holiday :sunny:



Hey DM! Glad to hear you are on the mend. Enjoy walking in the winter in NYC. I have good memories of doing that. Walking is nice because you get to enjoy the view and notice all the details.

So good to hear youā€™ll be back in the pool in the spring. :-):smiley:


JUST CHECKING IN:(an experiment in boredom)

all i can say it that i am still on the mend. recently had my A1c results back; i am at a very healthy 5% :sunny: i am healing well. i am sooooo looking fwd to being back in the pool.

although i have dramatically reduced my carb intake, there have been no weight changes whatsoever, despite my thinking that i might lose a few lbs.

the holidays and the weather here in BKLYN have kept food on my plate and me in my PJs. i have been a complete Netflixer Couch Potato. (check out the movie thread).

my basal rates have not changed, despite the lack of physical activity. my ICRs remain the same, but i have noticed that i have become more carb sensitive and do require a little bump up of insulin to stay in my target range if i want to eat something like oatmeal for bfast.

i have been seeing that wonderful new endo. OMG, AMAZING!!! why i didnt do this sooner is beyond me :blush: . currently, i am test-driving the FreeStyle Libra Sensor (my 3rd trial run) just so that i can experiment with new foods and to see how i can expand my menus (my new endos suggestion; isnt he cool!!! ) everything is being documented by hand/paper/finger sticks, but i am curious to see how the sensor reports everything so i can come up with some new formulas for things like eating pizza and key lime pie and pastas,etc.) its an experimental education. i am very excited about it. (eating whatever i want to try out and letting go of the BG results; no blame game, just info gathering for the future/next time i want to eat something similar)

anyway, that has little to do about swimming, but just thought i would put in my 2 cents of contribution to our community. hoping everyone is well, happy and healthy.

keep those double boluses going; weā€™re onto eating left-overs now :wink:



Great number again!

Thatā€™s great news!

My son also had to take an extended hiatus due to persistent ear trouble :frowning: But he has been back in the pool for 2 weeks, although way out of shapeā€¦

Thatā€™s amazing to me.

Best of luck with getting back in soon!


thanks michel. if K gets out of shape from just 2 weeks out of the pool, i dread what i will turn into. i have thought about it from time to time. its as if i will have to start all over again from the very beginning. ugh.

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Oh no, he was gone a lot longer! He has been having trouble since late September and has been in and out all that time. He was mostly out through Nov and Dec, with spotty attendance in Oct.

So you should be looking up :slight_smile:

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Iā€™m just starting this experimental phase, too - isnā€™t it fun? :wink: Congrats on the A1c, and Iā€™m glad youā€™re healing well (and have such great support from your endo)! Thanks for the update!


god i certainly hope so. i have even contemplated the possibility that i have forgotten how to swim :wink:

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In case you have I hear these are good for that, and these get good reviews!


There you go!

i dont get it. are you being silly ?


He was gently joking :slight_smile: You are an ace swimmer who can have exhausting 2-hour swim sessions that most people are totally unable to complete. You joked about being afraid to have forgotten how to swim. He offers you arm floats to make you feel better :slight_smile:


okay. now i understand. thanks for the translation Michel :smile:


No swimmimg and less carbs cancelled each other out for weight loss. I hope you pick the carbs back up when you get back to swimming. :wink:


naturally. i love dem carbs :wink:


Yes, I was being silly. Sorry it fell flat.


i ate absolutely nothing of any nutritional value yesterday, and it was a lot of fun :wink:

also, coming down with a cold (got it from my husband ) and i had to set a temp Basal of 110%.
my BGs were all over the map yesterday. hopefully today will be better.


Feel better soon! :hibiscus:


thank you. i was able to get out today, but only b/c my cabin fever set in and i was desperate for some fresh air. :sunny:

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