Daisy Mae's swimming BG thread

@daisymae, finally! This is GREAT!


Well today I upped the ante and swam for an hour. It was wonderful. I got into the pool at 126 and got out of the pool at 86.

I did something new today though: as I didnā€™t bring my protein/ carb replacement drinks with me, Eric suggested that I drink chocolate milk. Well there is always several different kinds at the grocery, so I had my husband pick me up a few bottles. The only thing is that there were 28 gms of SUGAR in each serving. I definitely did not bolus enough for itā€¼ļø

I ended up spiking up to 140. So we went out for a 4 mile walk but then I crashed down to 48šŸ˜­

(Thank god for that chocolate milk :wink:)

I just know that Iā€™ll get back into my routine once I get back home. Iā€™m just trying to make the best of it and have a good time. Itā€™s been 3 months after all. I just got to cut myself some slack :sunglasses:.

For dinner I had 2 cans of tuna with rye bread and weā€™ll see how everything goes. Will keep you posted :bangbang:ļø



Just now seeing that youā€™re back in the pool - woohoo!! So excited for you! Canā€™t wait to hear more.


DM, this is pretty darn amazing: do you remember when you started this thread?


I have some times looked back from the very beginning and it is so strange to me. I donā€™t want to sound arrogant but this is one of my greatest accomplishments. And, I feel very proud. Tomorrowā€™s swim will be great as well but I need to do some fine tuning on the pre and post swim needs. I think that is the greater challenge I face. The swimming is the easy part :sunglasses:

Reporting from Florida,



Last night after dinner within a 1/2 hour I crashed down to 30. OMGā€¼ļø Juice timeā€¼ļø I have had, obviously, to Chang my ICRs for both bfast as well as dinner time. In just 3 days I have become very insulin sensitive. I didnā€™t expect that this would happen so soon, but it has. Making the adjustment is so challenging as I mentioned earlier. I just got to be on top of things and not get discouraged

Iā€™ve done it before and Iā€™ll do it again. I just need to be as aware as possible managing my BGs.

It is a little scary though to go down into my 30s & 40s. And itā€™s been happening so quickly. I hope that today is going to be better.

Will keep you posted,

PS: I love hearing from all of you ! It keeps me going :sunglasses:


Wow! Thatā€™s scary!! You mentioned you might start using a cgm soon, right? Maybe that could help a bit with the transition?

You mustā€™ve had a pretty good workout that day!! Good for you!


Yeah, the 30s are scary :bangbang:ļø But ya pick yourself off the floor, get some juice and move forward. What else can you do ?

Today I swam for another full hour. It was delicious. I really wanted to swim longer, but my husband begged me not to; he was afraid that I might re- injure myself and that would definitely be a real bummer :wink:

FLORIDA EXPERIMENT # 3 : :grinning:

Here are the stats:

12:30 BG 135
2:15 BG 126
1:45. BG 96

Replaced missed bolus with 1.3 units insulin
Bolused 1.6 units for 28 gms Chocolate milk from which I expect to spike.

Not tired at all. Very relaxed. Feeling groovyšŸ˜‰

Now I just wait it out and see how my BGs react to all the pump changes I have made and my fueling.

Thatā€™s it for now.


Iā€™ve never been aware in the 30s. This is a range that would probably be life-threatening for me. Iā€™ve had a couple instances in my life where Iā€™ve needed help so maybe I was in the 30s then. I donā€™t remember ever testing my blood sugar and being in the 30s though because Iā€™d be way too out of it for that. Iā€™m surprised youā€™re pretty with it in that range!

Didnā€™t mean to hijack your thread though! Glad the swims are going well :slight_smile:

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DM, what is your pre-swim regimen in for the Florida experiment?

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Thatā€™s ok. hyjack away.:wink:

Spiked from the chocolate milk going from 96 to 235. Still had 2 units OB , but decided to give myself an extra unit, go for a walk and drink some water. We were out for about an hour and a half, and when I just tested my BG was 98. But what frightens me a bit is that I still have 1 unit IOB. So, I ate half a peach ( something I would otherwise rarely do )and I hope that will prevent crash.

I must say to everybody that this has really been frustrating and a bit scary. Iā€™m a bit out of my league here. And, whatā€™s more is that I am out of my element being here in Florida instead of Bklyn.

I refuse to give up though. Itā€™s progress, not perfection :sweat:



I wake up at 6:45ish and make myself a large bfast and then I wait until I have no more IOB ( 11 am )

Then I turn my pump off for about 1.5 hours ( if I am only doing an hours swim because otherwise I will turn it off for 2 - 2.5 hours) then I detach and jump in.

I like my BGs to be over 100 before I swim, so if I am lower I will take some carbs. When I am around 120/130 I feel high enough to begin.

I get out to test every half hour and stay in for as long as possible. If I am under 70 I will get out.

And thatā€™s it in a nutshell. Thanks for asking and I hope that this helps.


You are using the same regimen as back home, it looks like, right?

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Yes. Same regiment as home. Having problems with going low, thoughšŸ˜©


That happens to us almost every time we increase training regimen, as basal needs go down and we are just a bit behind the curve :slight_smile:

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Itā€™ll get better :smile:. Sounds like youā€™re making progress! It also sounds like youā€™re having a luxuriously wonderful time!



I am having a wonderful and luxurious time. Today, instead of doing laps in the pool, we went to Siesta Beach; we were told that it was rated to be the 2nd most beautiful beach in the ENTIRE world. OMGā€¼ļøIt was to die foršŸ˜Ž.

The sand was cool on the feet and as fine as flour. Iā€™ve never felt sand so soft; and I grew up spending summers on Long Island, and thereā€™s plenty of sand there.

So I was in the ocean all afternoon. I put my pump on a 90% TB, ate 4Gtabs, brought my BG up to 98, and had a blastā€¼ļøAlso, I was detached from my pump the entire time I was in the ocean. I turned off the TB after about 1.5 hours and changed my ICRs. Before dinner I was at 126. I am eager to see what my BGs will be in a couple of hours with having used the new IC. ( the pattern that has seemed to emerge since I started swimming laps again is that I bolus for a meal, eat, and then shortly afterwards I crash big time.)

If I do go high, I will correct and revisit the issue. I made certain to eat a dinner that is 100% reliable; only 50 gms carbs to bolus for. Mostly protein. But not a huge over the top meal ( tuna on rye )

I hope that this is the answer to my crashing situation. I really didnā€™t think that just three days of swimming would have such an immediate impact on my body. Caught me way off guard :bangbang:ļø

Well, that was my day. And as usual, Iā€™ll keep you posted.



First off, I had no lows today, so that was a good start :bangbang:ļø Secondly, I traveled all the way to Tampa to visit family; that made it a challenge for me to change up my normal swim time. So, I didnā€™t know what would happen. But, being UNLIMITED, I thought it was well worth the trial. My curiosity is seemingly unending :wink:

I am used to swimming at lunchtime, but today I swam at supper time instead. It worked out just finešŸ˜Ž

Here are the stats:

3pm I turned off my basal on my pump
4:30 BG was 126 and I jumped in the pool
5 pm BG was 80
5:30 pm BG was 74. And I got out of the pool :swimming_woman: :swimming_woman:

So I got in a nice relaxed one hour swim. But hereā€™s the best part: Iā€™ve been going in at a much lower BG than I ever have been before as well as less disconnect time, and I am not crashing at all. I wonder what this is all about. I mean I think itā€™s great but I donā€™t know why itā€™s happening. Think Iā€™ll ask Eric :joy:.

Feeling great today and looking forward to tomorrow :bangbang:ļø

Signing off


@daisymae, youā€™re amazing! Iā€™m with @Michel - looking back to when you started this thread compared to nowā€¦you have made so much progress. Those are beautiful numbers!

PS I hope you had a yummy dinner to reward yourself for such a great swim. :wink:


Where is Eric anyway?

Good job today! Thatā€™s encouraging!