thank you so much. so, i will continue…
today was a weird day. many unexpected things happened.
last night i turned down my basal to 90% thinking i had had such a hard swim that day that i would probably go low during the night. i forgot to stop the TB before bfast, and 2.5 hours post bfast, my BGs had skyrocketed from 70 to 221. so my instinct was to do a correction bolus. i wasnt thinking about swimming at all; i was simply on autopilot mode: high BG, out of target range, bolus insulin asap.
well, this screwed up my 0% basal prep for my swim, b/c even though i had turned my pump off, i still had that correction bolus hanging out in the back round. big mistake. and i was in such a rush to get to the pool that i didnt think wisely enough that patience is a virtue. i should have let all the IOB out before my pool prep. i was just so eager to get to that pool and to have a wonderful swim.
well my BGs were so stubborn i could barely get them to come down. finally, after 2.5 hours, i was 159. i drank copious amounts of water, and waited, prepping for my swim just as usual. and i thought, that waiting 2.25 hours on 0% basal, should keep me elevated. nothing to worry about. i have swam above 200 before. this wouldnt kill me. so i thought, WTF, and i went to the pool anyway. when i got to the pool, i retested: 154bg. put on my suit and jumped right into the pool. and i began my swim it was 2:15pm
2:15pm bg 154
2:45pm bg 103 took 1 glucose tab and jumped back into the pool.
3:15pm bg 70 too nervous to continue my swim. figured 1 hour of hard laps was a decent enough work out. so i left the pool and went upstairs to shower and change. i bolused 1.5 units of “replacment” basal (for the time that i was off the pump) then i bolused again at 3:50pm to cover my carb replenishment.
this formula usually works great for me. BUT i am used to swimming for twice the amount of hours than i did today. so i was in murky waters trying to guesstimate how much of this and that i needed to re-fuel my body with.
well, when i got home i drank my shakes, and when i tested again 1 hour later, i had gone from 90bg to 181bg. omg. but i still had 1.8 units IOB. so we’ll see what happens.
Every day is something new. adjust here, adjust there; and just when you think that you have mastered the formula, BANG ZOOM, it doesnt work the same way it did the week before. UGH
so i will, as usual, continue to keep you up to date on the evening results. i do hope things go more smoothly.