Daisy Mae's swimming BG thread

OKAY. will do. i guess that means i’ll be hitting a muscle, huh?

just re-tested, and w/in the period of 1 hour, i came down from 172 to 90. and, should i go low, i have a kitchen loaded with chocolate b/c there was a sale on it at CVS this w/end and i bought them out!!!YAHOO!

yeah, the back of the calf is an easy way to get in the muscle. I save that for special occasions. :wink:

I know how cutting basal can mess you up, when you try to recover from it. Today you saw the difference between 4 hours of zero basal when swimming, and 2 hours of zero and no swimming. Big difference, right?

BTW, I finished today and had a total of 95 grams of sugar - 55 grams right away, and another 40 grams within an hour - and then dinner.

I don’t usually have that much sugar right after, but today was a beat-down and I knew I needed it. About 2400 calories burnt, which is 600 grams of carbs. The 95 grams is nothing compared to what I need to replace.

what is a “beat down?” how long was your run to have burned all of those calories? and how on earth do you eat so much? i can barely eat a sandwich with some milk at one time.

My post-run carbs come from drinks because they rehydrated me also. So I don’t have to eat that much after, just drink a lot.

I had a protein drink which had 20 grams of carbs, 35 grams from Gatorade, and then 40 grams from a sugar soft drink. Then dinner.

A beat-down is just a hard effort. Like your Advil swims!


good night,

BGs frustrations are driving me bonkers. woke up this morning at 4am with a BG of 45. took 2 Gtabs and went back to sleep. woke up at 7am and was 74, so i bolused for Bfast. 2.5 hours post meal, i had gone down to 60 with 1remaining unit IOB. i double checked, even using a different meter. same BG give or take (63) i ate 1 Gtab and waited until 10am; BG was 55. 1 ate another Gtab and waited. an hour later, i checked and my BG was 57, so at 11am i ate a piece of chocolate and another Gtab and waited. am waiting another 1/2 hour to test again.

the frustration is beyond me. i think that yesterday really F-ed me up. i think i will bag it today, and just fuel up for my regular monday swim. i’m going to have a nice lunch and go for a long walk with hubby.

i just want to throw a temper tantrum and scream from the roof top :disappointed_relieved:

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If you disconnect, your BG will come up. There is no way around it! It has to come up. You can still swim if you want to.

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i think that b/c i’ve never swam on a w/end before and dont know how crowded the pool will be, i could possibly get there and have no lane to swim in. so, i am going to continue with my usual swim schedule and skip today. i’ll be in the pool tomorrow, even if i need to drink some juice to get my BGs up enough.

my husband just walked through the door (he was away the past 2 nights) so i am so happy to see him and spend the day with him. i want to take advantage of his company, so its no big deal to me that i am not swimming.

it been almost 4 hours of taking Gtabs and eating chocolate and my BGs have only come up to 57. this is what happened yesterday; i dont want to turn my basal off (again) only to find that i cant get my BGs up and then get to the pool and have no lane to swim in, and then have to bolus or raise my basal rate for 2 hours like i did yesterday.

weekdays are consistant as far as getting a lane at the pool. in the past when i have gone on either a week night or a weekend it has been awful. it is soooo crowded and i have to stand in line until someone gets out (only max of 5 people per lane; which is a B to deal with as it is with everyone bumping into one another, etc. )

so, that being said: another “recovery” day. its certainly not the end of the world. i will be gentle on myself today. yesterday i was so frustrated i wanted to cry. today i will let go and move forward. maybe we will walk over the bridges this afternoon; its a good 5 mile walk back and forth. (both BKLYN and Manhattan Bridges from our home )

i am still UNLIMITED: I will persevere. :smile:

If you switched to running, you would never have to wait for a lane. :wink:

PS: yesterday i disconnected for 2.25 hours and i still did not come up. so i was on no basal for all that time, only to get up to 85. the frustration was killing me, and it kind of ruined my day…but part of me did not want to try out swimming on a weekend day b/c of how crowded the pool might be and b/c i would have probably have to wait over 3 hours w/out basal until i could raise my BG and then to try and get a lane to swim in (as i said in previous post, there is a max of how many people can swim in a lane, and that can be a real horror show )

believe me, i have thought of that. but swimming is my thing. i hate running. that was my husbands thing and i know how much easier it was for him. you just run anywhere you want whenever you want. darn it all, you spoiled runners :wink:

Some of that is just a bit of trust - even if your BG does not rise, knowing that you have cut basal for two hours you just trust it won’t drop too much.

As long as there is not an issue with the infusion that is delaying your insulin absorption and slowing it down (such as bad insulin or an overused site), you just have to trust that even with a BG of 85, your drop will be limited.

If you are 85, and could take a gtab right before you start swimming, and then test again in 30 minutes, take another gtab if needed, and get back into the pool and keep going. Or you can have a squeeze bottle of gatorade by the pool lane so you can take a few quick squirts and keep going.

Eventually - at some point - your BG won’t drop anymore if you have turned off basal.

Don’t let those 85’s worry you. Trust that the zero basal will do its job!

Just a thought, for sometime if you are feeling daring. :wink:

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OKAY. if tomorrow is a repeat of today and yesterday, i will be daring and give that a try. and if my BG wont budge from 85, i will also take a piece of chocolate, which steadies me over a 2 hour period of time when i eat an entire piece. ( why i did not have that reaction today is another ball of wax, but it doesnt usually happen that way.)

so i chose not to go swimming today, but i knew that i was antsy and had to get out of the house. my husband had just come home from being away all w/end, so we were looking forward to spending some quality time together. we decided to take a long walk over the Bklyn Bridge and back. its about 3.5 miles. i had finally gotten my BG up to 140 (loads of chocolate) and felt really excited about ttaking the walk and being outside on such a beautiful day. my BG dropped to 52 1/2 way through our walk. Gtabs in hand, popped some into my mouth and continued walking. when i got home i had a delicious chocolate protein shake with 16 gms carbs in it. yummy. waiting, still for my BG to come into range. its been 45 minutes. if after 1 hour i dont come up, i’ll just have to have another shake. awe, what a shame :blush: (giggle giggle )

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last night was a horror show. woke up at 5am at 350. omg. changed pump and gave myself a manual shot. went back to sleep. it took until lunchtime to get back into target range. i just knew that this would mess up my swim plans. BUT, i refuse to quit, give in, whatever. so big deal if i go a little later to the pool than usual, right? but i have tested the waters, so to speak, and i know the times that that pool is empty and when it is crowded. at first i wanted to use that as an excuse to bag my swim. but i pushed myself and refused to rationalize a reason to feel depressed, down, and angry. i was going to that damn pool no matter what. and i did just that.

are there any of you out there who experience this kind of frustration and want (from time to time ) to use it as an excuse to get out of some commitment? i bet you there are a few of you. i mean, lets be honest here. i know that this is a sight about being and living UNLIMITED, but sometimes, ugh…

i’d give you the stats of my swim, but they don’t really matter; the point of this story is that i didn’t give in and feel sorry for myself.

and, as far as swimming goes, swimming had taught me how to be a stronger D and a stronger person. a better person. a wiser person. a happier person.

and isn’t that the real point. :sunny:


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Daisy, I am really glad you persevered. Since we are in the teenager portion of life, we are often “all over the place” with exercise and blood glucose. My son wouldn’t think of not playing baseball, or running cross country just because he isn’t in the right place with his bg. With that said, we do our best, but we have played baseball (catcher) with a bg of 400 where I was injecting him every 1/2 inning IM, and trying to get enough insulin in him to deal with the failed site without crashing him, so he couldn’t track the ball coming at him at 80 mph.

Stay strong!

just curious. when i go low, at around 50, i cant see straight. i get bright lights and spots in front of my eyes. it has never happened to me when my BG is high; does this happen to your son?

Daisy, when he is high, he is ornery and kind of mad all of the time.

When he is low, he can’t see straight and can’t track the ball. Like the time he was in the 40’s, and a fastball hit him right in the mask and he didn’t move his glove at all.

When he was super high, I was trying to titrate him so that he got into a safe range, but didn’t go low and get the low symptoms.

i so rarely get such extreme highs during the day. but i do get them in the middle of the night if i have had a big meal before bed and didnt bolus correctly. so, since i am half asleep when the highs wake me up, i havent a clue whether i am nasty or not. i just want to fix the problem and go right back to sleep :wink:

Let’s figure this out. Yogurt, right?

You went swimming anyway, so that is a win. No matter what happened with your BG, you didn’t give in to it, so that is a victory.