Covid Booster Data

Saw this report from a very recent study.
(Like all studies, grain of salt because we don’t know how they collected the data.)

But, based on the data they collected…

Pfizer vaccine:

  • The risk of being hospitalized was reduced by 91% in the first four months after receiving the second dose.
  • Beyond 120 days, the efficacy drops to 77%.

Moderna vaccine:

  • The risk of being hospitalized was reduced by 93% in the first four months after receiving the second dose.
  • Beyond 120 days, the efficacy remained at 92%.

Sure but J&J tops at a lower efficacy. So I think it’s better only in terms of logistics/convenience. And quicker protection is super relevant when you’re in an area of unchecked transmission and unvaccinated. But once you are vaccinated, I’m really not sure the speed would matter at all.


Seems like this will take the pressure off for a Moderna booster…but a longer term follow up will be needed to look at the 8 month time frame, which has been promoted for (and by) Pfizer. My 8 month Moderna anniversary will be in late October. I sincerely hope the CDC and FDA can get their act together over the next 4-5 weeks to help me decide how badly to want/need the booster.

Does anybody remember the human guinea pigs who were vaccinated in late 2020? I assume there is follow up testing that can be done on them.


If I had my choice in which vaccine I was getting, I would’ve for sure went with Moderna. I knew they were at the forefront as far as efficacy is concerned, and was even impressed that they held back a little more than Pfizer did to make sure what they were putting out was quality. Unfortunately, my job was offering on-site vaccination early on in the new year - and they had Pfizer on hand, so I took what I could get.

Anybody find any information on requiring the same brand of vaccine as a booster? I wonder if we can mix and match at this point lol.


There was some studies done that seem to indicate that this is a possibility and might even be a good idea, but those studies were pretty small if my memory serves me correctly, so I don’t think a conclusion can be reached yet.


Look Lucile F. Hoogenslogger…since it’s your first vaccine and you have never had it before, just find a place giving Moderna and go get it.


Just kidding! I know people aren’t keen on my subterfuge.


Many in Canada have mixed. Many got the Oxford/AstraZeneca viral vector vaccine as our first jab because it was readily available, but by the time it was time for our second shot, AZ was in the political and adverse-reaction doghouse and so we got mRNA, which by that point was in plentiful supply. Not sure what the official stand is on booster mixing, but given that we’ve purchased more than 20 million Pfizer doses for that purpose, it looks like mixing won’t be a concern.


Still confused why a name change is necessary…I just did a trial run on a chain drug store vax appointment site, seeing if they would schedule a third Moderna shot. Entered my true birth date (64.8 years old), my actual second dose date (7 months ago) and checked “yes” as immunocompromised. (That is a white lie because the CDC list of eligible immune compromised patients is pretty strict and does not include diabetes. However my inner libertarian says diabetes + age combined should make me eligible.) Nevertheless, the chain drug store offered me plenty of appointments to get the third Moderna shot despite my age being below the cutoff.

I doubt they would turn me away if I book an appointment. Might give it a try next month.


I don’t know for sure that it is necessary. But each state applies the rules differently.

For me, I’d try it legitimately first. And if that didn’t work, then I’d change my name at the next CVS.


I got my booster shot on Saturday. I figured the risk of whatever could happen if I got Covid would be far, far worse than anything related to the vaccine. My reaction to a 3rd shot of Pfizer: another nothing burger.


I’ll have you know that I, Lucile F. Hoogenslogger have received both of my Pfizer vaccines. But I really reaally reaaaaally want a Moderna booster. I will continue to do my research on this matter. :female_detective:


whispers: doooo itttttttt… :laughing:


Right now procrastinating to wait for a good time to (possibly) be down and out on the day after. But definitely motivated to get a boost before some crowded indoor events I hope to attend in mid October, with the 2 week lead time. Even with the vax mandate it seems like we’ll start hearing about breakthrough super spreaders before too long.


Again, and again, and again… and again…

Sadly, my brother is one of the people who believes wholeheartedly against being vaccinated. I’m not sure where the selfish “worry about you, I’ll worry about me” “weed the weaker ones out, anyway” kind of human comes from, but it’s really frustrating to see/hear… and most definitely the reason these super spreads and new variants keep happening.

I don’t get it, you don’t want the vaccine… but because you don’t want the vaccine… you’re creating more variants… which will inevitably require more vaccine coverage which means more shots.

I mean, it’s simple math right? Right?!


Saw a Fauci interview in which he stated the mismatch booster studies were at FDA/CDC fir review and should be done within a week or so.


They’re doing the Pfizer booster at my job, and since it has been made available I will be receiving mine tomorrow.


Just got mine a few minutes ago. :syringe:

ETA 10/1: My blood sugar is trending low in response to the booster, just as it did for the second dose. :confused:


Got mine yesterday. Just a little ughy and sore today.


@John58 64.8 yo and diabetes does get you a 3rd Pfizer shot though. Should happen with moderna any day now


Yep, I am getting a 3rd Moderna dose next week. Trying to sort out my schedule just in case I am laid up the day after. Despite the mixed message coming down from on high.

If You Got Moderna, Fauci Warns Against Getting a Booster Right Now (

“Fauci also acknowledged that he doesn’t foresee any safety complications arising for people who received a third shot of the 100 microgram dose”.