CGM is lasting a SHOCKING amount of days!

This is a world record… My CGM has lasted for 18 DAYS! And it is about to be 19! It looks so beat up but it still works somehow…


Insertion time is indicating the start time of the second session. 10 days has already passed.

According to NS, we are on 8 days 10 hours of the second session. It’s definitely a record for us. Not a single disconnect yet. AND he’s been swimming multiple days with this sensor on also.


@ClaudnDaye Just curious how’s the accuracy?

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Surpisingly well. The highs aren’t as severe as they’ve been displaying, but it’s typical as far as accuracy. His CGMs have never been accurate when reading really high, or really low. I’m going to change it out either way, today, because we’re headed off to vacation tomorrow and I want to have a fresh session started before we head out. But in…however long we’ve been on the Dexcom, it’s the first time we’ve ever gotten beyond 15 days…usually around 13 to 14 days we get the disconnects and very bad accuracy.

The only thing that’s changed really this CGM sensor session is he was in the water quite a bit…community center swimming pool, not salt water. Maybe that’s somehow caused it to last longer?


My last 2 G6 sensors also lasted 15+ days. Its the last box I’m using before G7.

My endo suggested I switch to G7, but it may be a short trial.


@Liam-M – my last Dexcom (6) lasted almost THIRTY days!!! It was bananas. The physical connection started getting goopy by the end and when I started to get some drops, I decided to cut things off. I’ve only had one other go that long! It’s nice to not have to do all the insertions and warm ups. Have a great vacation! Jessica


What kind of CGM are you using? Is it something only available in Britain?

I like the G7 alot - very, very accurate. But pricey too.