CGM alarms and partners - what's your experience?

Truth be told, I don’t really like doing it. But I want to have a testing kit next to my bed side so I don’t ever have to get up again when EH can’t find his actual testing kit. :rofl:

And really the most useful time is pre CGM, when we would be on long road trips. He usually drives, and I have tested his blood sugar while he was driving and that is handy. But having a kit by my bed wouldn’t really help at that point! :wink:

I think many of the things I tend to do in regards to EH’s diabetes are actually there to make my life nicer. Which is incredibly selfish, but true. I worry less if I know we have a source of sugar. I worry less if I know he could do a fingerstick and identify what his blood sugar actually is. I worry less if we have a supply of insulin in the fridge. And the suitcase. And the bag. And a spare pod. Even though we are really often flying by the seat of our pants, I have developed some failsafes over the years. He’d be fine with one testing kit and not a lot of backup supplies. But I have spent enough vacation waiting in line at Cosco pharmacy to get missing D prescriptions that I never need to do that again. :joy: