Blucon battery usage


I have been using Blucon sensor for few months and earlier the battery lasted about a week. Past few weeks battery usage has been increased very much and now it lasts at most a day. Do you know possible reasons for the increased battery usage?

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Hi @Olaus, welcome here! There aren’t many Blucon users here, but hopefully someone can help you.
@Kenrick, you once wrote a nice review about the Blucon, do you know more about this issue?

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@Olaus, welcome to the forum!

Is your latest battery the same make and batch as the previous ones? Is it possible that there is a physical reason (battery panel not properly sealed etc…)?

I don’t use the blucon anymore, so not sure what might be draining your batteries. Could it just be a bad batch of batteries? I have heard good things about the battery life for MiaoMiao if you are ever thinking of switching (and is rechargable too).

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