Any experience with PRP injections?

Hi folks. So an ultrasound reveals that I have a partial hamstring tear. I’ve been having PT for it for 6 months now and I’ve sort of plateaued in my recovery. It’s sore and tight–not intolerable but not ideal.

The doc I saw tried to sell me on platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy for it. I’m not entirely convinced. Insurance doesn’t cover it and it costs upwards of $1600, and the recovery includes two days on crutches and painkillers followed by two weeks of very light use, and then six more weeks of PT. I live alone up several flights of stairs, so that’s a lot of disruption.

Does anyone who has had PRP or had other experience with it have an opinion on whether I should pursue this?


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I considered this last year for a hamstring issue. The problem is that PRP is rather localized, and the injury may span a larger area. So they would need to be able to get to the right location and make sure they got enough of the damaged area with the injections.

I opted not to do it, but that’s because my injury was not localized.

The science behind PRP is legit. The studies are pretty solid. But it is not magic. You would still need to work on healing it, and it would take time.

Have you considered doing a round of steroids?

Also, for PT, I know they are probably having you do standard exercises, for example - Monster Walks with the stretch bands! That’s like their favorite exercise, they make everyone do that.

But I think that possibly PT is counter-productive for certain things,

Let me start with this question - are you still running at all?

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The ultrasound focused only on one location and found a tear there, but I don’t know if there were also injuries elsewhere.

I’m a little less compelled by the studies–the theory seems fine and some show some benefit for some conditions, but I haven’t seen a terribly strong treatment effect. Nothing that would make it a slam dunk anyway. But I’m glad to be pointed to other sources.

This definitely isn’t something for which steroids would be indicated; an injection would degrade the tendon more. I did have benefit from a week of diclofenac and I might try that again. I’m being wary about it because of possible kidney side effects.

My PT has been focusing on strengthening glutes and other stabilizer muscle groups.

I’ve been running about 3.5-5 mi, 3-4 times a week (so around 15-20 mi/wk average). Not much but I’m willing to cut it back for a while and see if that lets it heal.


I have discussed a series of PRP injections for a small/moderate meniscus tear at my knee that’s causing a lot of inflammation and some pain. I am very intent on doing what I can to get this injury to heal. Have not yet had post-MRI follow up with sports medicine specialist (9/15); I will post here once I do. I’m sorry you are dealing with this!


Thanks @JessicaD and sorry to you too. I’ve been dealing with this for about 7 months. I had an x-ray but no ultrasound or MRI at first, so my docs thought it was just a strain. At this point it’s nagging but not awful. I’d prefer it to go away entirely but at my age I realize that may not be a realistic expectation. That also conditions how willing I am to go through with PRP: given the high cost and potential need for multiple treatments, can I just deal with it as it is?

I was actually thinking of an oral corticosteroid. You put out the fire, take a few weeks of complete rest, and then gradually start back.

You can also take some natural anti-inflammatories, which don’t have as much of a risk factor as prescription anti-inflamms. Things like omega-3 fatty acids, turmeric, ginger, zinc, green tea, pomegranates, and many others.


Whew, I’d rather avoid that BG rollercoaster if at all possible!

I do get a lot of omega-3’s (I eat sardines most days) and I can add in some of those others to see if it helps out. I think doing one day on/one day off of diclofenac might not be too bad; the benefit was so great last time I might risk it.

I don’t ha e any experience with PTR but I also had a torn meniscus among other bone and really couldn’t, even walkingwas difficult. My doctor recommended I take a break from running and limit myself to only flat, even surfaces for walking and do strength exercises like squats. I took most of the winter off from running but was able to use the bike trainer for exercise, usually not much over an hour each session. I think the squats and other light exercises really helped. I started back running short distances, just a few miles on the track at a time. It’s been nearly a year now and my knee is better but I still have set backs every few runs. I have to be very careful to keep my stride very short. I’m just happy I can still run! I really think taking time off helped me, as much as i hated to.


Ohhh @Trying this is not what I want to hear! After FOUR YEARS of time away from tennis bc of damn frozen shoulder issues, I am finally back to playing and SO HAPPY (there is so much that is good about tennis – the exercise, the fresh air, the social engagement, the satisfaction of a good hit…). I am going to do everything I can to keep both feet on the court. (I don’t have much pain; just significant inflammation – hoping that PT will be helpful and that PRP could help speed up healing). Ugh. But I am very glad you are back to running xo


Oh, @JessicaD, sorry! I am really only speaking from a runner’s point of view. Tennis is a whole different ball game, and foreign to me! I love watching tennis but I cannot play! Im simply not strong or talented enough! I definitely would pursue PRP. I know how painful inflamed shoulders can be as lupus causes my shoulders to be inflamed, too. But not for 4 years straight! I am so sorry! I’m keeping my fingers crossed that PRP works and you feel better!


Thank you @Trying ! We all are doing what we can do!! You runners take the cake for strength and tenacity-- my husband is a runner like you and @Eric … I think we are all nuts in our own special ways! (But my goodness, I am sorry to hear that you deal with lupus as well – that seems unfair.) xoxo


I have been working on my homemade anti-inflammatory mix. It’s much easier to make now because it’s all pre-mixed in the right quantities.

I can send you some if you want.

You can mix it with water, cow milk, goat milk, oat milk, almond milk, or whatever you like. You can drink it hot or cold, whatever you want. Or you can put it in your smoothies. (I have changed to cold milk now, because it’s better in the summer than drinking it hot.)

I think the taste is tolerable. It’s not exactly delicious, but I don’t think it’s too horrible. It has turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, garlic, pomegranate (which is not only an anti inflammatory, but it also helps to sweeten it), and almond.


Ooooh, yes please! It sounds … interesting. You had me with everything except the garlic. (You should make a batch w/o the garlic – I’ll bet it would be downright tasty! Maybe we could sell it!) I would very much appreciate some. Do you still have my address? Thanks so much!

(PS – at least it doesn’t have psyllium powder in it. I still cannot get that stuff down w/o gagging. I have a two pound bag taunting me in my cabinet.)

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I can make you some without the garlic. I only added garlic because of the many cited health benefits. It wasn’t for the flavor. :joy:

Next time I will make it without, and also try to get a good carb count on the pomegranate. (That’s the only thing that adds carbs, besides the milk.)

I also add a little artificial sweetener, to make it more palatable. Are you okay with that?


That sounds incredible! Thank you so much – I can’t wait to try it! (And you know Mark’s cooking: I get A LOT of garlic from other sources!!)