Adding fat to slow carbs down?

i am totally certain, now, that you are a spy infiltrating the FUD site to garner info for the FDA or the CIA. your “claim” that you’ve had an A1c of 4.9 is a clear indicator that you are simply non-diabetic. that kind of percentage does not fall in the range of diabetes. perhaps you are hypoglycymic. :wink:

i am wondering who else of our “family” oriented site are on to your sham.

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You almost have it figured out. But it isn’t for the CIA.

You’re from Brooklyn. Do you know what a capodecina is? A capo? Made man? Wiseguy? Uomo d’onore?

naturally. and i know my way around the lower east side in little italy as well.

so thats it, then, you’re a hit man for el Chapo, and you run drugs across the mexican boarder :wink:

so, basically, you are admitting that you dont take insulin b/c you are actually involved with other types of substances which you cannot reveal at this time and you are hanging out at FUD to give yourself an alibi…

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@Eric - You may have to show a couple photos of some of your more interesting insulin delivery devices…