So I think the key is it works with IFFFT, which allows push notifications given certain things. For instance, i know openAPS has set up IFFFT integration to automatically detect movement on a fitness tracker when someone wakes up and then to send an auto-eating soon mode. So my guess is you can use similar thresholds to create IFFFT push notifications which will then trigger the alarm?
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Got you! As I am reading the data sheet, I am thinking the same way. But you may need to use openAPS to get into IFFFT. I can’t find any dexcom hooks into IFFFT.
@Bradford, I know you posted this once already – did you use nightscout to hook into IFFFT? Do you know if there is a way to do it from the dexcom app data stream?
Yes, after you have a nightscout site, simply enable “maker” with the key created via IFTTT. you can then use push notifications.